I hope you are all healthy and staying active! I have several important notices to start the day.
Please check the Holy Cross School website; you'll find news there regarding
the indefinite suspension of schools in the province.
Starting tomorrow, I'll be hosting a VIRTUAL CLASSROOM!
Yes, that's right...we're going on-line together!
On my web page tomorrow, you'll see all the details to join me. I'll meet with each class and we'll get reacquainted, touch base with how things are going,
and talk about what the month of April looks like, as far as my classes go.
Please attend--think of it like school--there will be audio and video and you'll be able to see each other so please don't be wearing your pajamas! Only attend the class that is for you and be on time.
8M--I'll meet you at 11
8B--I'll meet you at 12
Grade 7--I'll meet you at 1
I'll be using the ZOOM platform so, check my website tomorrow by 9, find the invitation and link. You may want to check it out before our scheduled class to make you'll be able to access the class.
You can access it through your laptop, desktop, tablet, or phone.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!
-Please be sure to do your 40 minutes to an hour reading today--since I don't have Status of the Class, please send me the title of the book you're reading TODAY and the page you're on. We'll be doing BOOKTALKS on Friday; I'll give more information on that in tomorrow's class.
-Last week, we read "The Power of Light" by Isaac Bashevis Singer and I assigned the questions so today I'm collecting. The following people need to send me their work: 8M-Dara, James, Quentin, Marvic, Athena, Naod, Charlene and 8B-Theodore, Josh, Eric, Allycia, Livia, Matteo, Nevaeh.
-Watch for your Julius Caesar pink question scores today; I'll be emailing them out.
-Last week we learned about Roman Society and how Romans spent their days. Today, our focus is on how Romans made their money and got their luxuries. But first, please get out your Useful Latin Phrases page and add the following: vesapientia suprat moras which translates to wisdom overcomes difficulty.
-Turning to page CLVI and CLVII, read the section on Trade; be sure to review Figures 8.12 and 8.13. Remembering the lifestyle of Romans, think about what that would look like with all these goods coming in.
-Turn to page CLXIII and read the section on Pax Romana.
-Do the following questions.
Roman Trade
1. Identify one trade good from each of the cardinal (N, S, E, W) directions. /4
2. Identify how one of these goods enhanced the Roman lifestyle (how did it make life better). /2
3. Imported items were bought with taxes extracted from the provinces/conquered lands. What do you think the result was? /2
4. Identify three large-scale industries that developed in Rome because of trade? Why are industries like this important to a community? /5
5. What is the Pax Romana? /1
6. Identify three positive characteristics of Pax Romana. /3
-We are continuing to look at human rights in the world. Our focus today is what is being done about human rights being denied.
-Read p. 97 in your text.
-Watch the Amnesty International cartoon; copy the whole link and put it into your browser line.
-Do the following questions.
Amnesty International
1. Who created AI, when was it created, and what caused someone to create it? /3
2. Identify three goals of AI. /3
3. a) Identify three harmful/hurtful practices that AI has challenged in the last 50 years. /3
b) Explain how one of these discriminatory attitudes has affected quality of life for the affected people. /2
4. What is the AI logo? Explain its parts. /2
5. How has AI campaigned? What form of expression/communication is it known for? /1
6. Do you feel the animated film was effective at conveying the importance of AI work? What makes you think this way? /3
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