Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Good morning!



I am so sad that I've had to cancel our classes. 
Mr. Cap feels that it isn't a totally secure format and I want us all to be safe.
I will try to find another platform to host our meetings.
Please continue to use this site, as usual.

-Please continue to read 40 minutes to an hour today.  If you didn't send me your pages read yesterday, do it now.
-We read "The Power of Light" by Isaac Bashevis Singer on Friday and I collected homework yesterday.  The answers are found below.
"The Power of Light" by Isaac Bashevis Singer - Answers

1.  David and Rebecca, from the historical short story “The Power of Light” written by Isaac Bashevis Singer, are alone because their parents probably were murdered or captured.

2.  Dangers that David and Rebecca face in the historical short story “The Power of Light” written by Isaac Bashevis Singer are starvation/malnutrition, freezing to death, being hurt/killed in the dangers of the destroyed buildings in the ghetto, being captured by Nazis, and being killed by Nazis.

3.  In the historical short story “The Power of Light” written by Isaac Bashevis Singer, David wants to escape the ghetto now because he wanted to join the partisans in a forest close by but Rebecca wants to stay because she thinks it will be easier to escape in the summer.

4.  (answers will vary)

5.  (answers will vary but these are the most obvious ideas)  Symbolism is obvious in the historical short story “The Power of Light” written by Isaac Bashevis Singer in the object of the candle.  It represents life; I think this way because candles produce heat (which keeps people alive in the cold) and light (which guides people in the dark) so since heat and light would help them survive, the candle symbolizes life.


Symbolism is obvious in the historical short story “The Power of Light” written by Isaac Bashevis Singer in the object of the candle.  It represents hope; I think this way because when things get “dark”, a light can make us feel better we can “see” our way.  This is proven in this quote:  That glimmer of light, surrounded by so many shadows, seemed to say without words: Evil has not yet taken complete dominion. A spark of hope is still left.   


Symbolism is obvious in the historical short story “The Power of Light” written by Isaac Bashevis Singer in the object of the dreidel.  It represents survival; I think this way because the partisans play with it when hiding from the Nazis in the forest—even though they could be caught and killed, they take time to play.  I also think this way because Rebecca and David want to give their son this same dreidel; they feel it will tell their “story”.  This is proven in this quote:  We’ll give the dreidel to Menahem Eliezer when he is old enough to understand what we went through and how miraculously we were saved. 

6.  (answers will vary)

-Yesterday, we learned about Roman trade and how it contributed to the luxurious lifestyle of the Romans.
-I'm collecting homework from the following people today.  8M-James, Samuel, Dwayne, Marvic, Lucas, Athena, Aiden, Naod and Emily.  8B-Morgan, Dominic, Shaun, Allycia, Livia, Matteo, and Nevaeh.

-Yesterday, we learned about Amnesty International
-I'm collecting homework from the following people today:  Chimdi, Feven, Lola, Auriel, Ava, Khrystle, Zach, Samara, Tessa, and Helena.

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