I’ve started telephone visits so, if you
didn’t hear from me yesterday, it’s simply because I have many families to
call; you’ll probably hear from me today or tomorrow.
As you probably noticed, I collected a
lot of homework in the last two days so marks will not be coming out today.
All lockers must be emptied by May 1st. If you haven't yet done this, please call the school at (204)2374926 and make arrangements to do so.
I have
four pieces of homework with no names.
I have
reminded you many times about this and it is still a problem.
When I
call for homework, I’m receiving 15 or more pieces of work. I do a big print job meaning I don’t really
pay attention to whose work is being sent to the printer.
When I
pick up all the print outs, and some have no names,
it is very
time consuming to try to track down the missing names.
SO, it’s
up to you to claim the work—if you don’t, the work won’t get graded--that’s a
problem. Please check your work:
I’m looking for the owner of a Roman
Entertainment, the printout has no title (is that you?) and the other owner has
Roman Entertainment centred at the top of the page, the word Answers at the
left margin, and for question #6, you think I’m at the Appian Way (is that
you?). Next up, I’m looking for the owner
of “This Was My Brother”, this title has been typed in a large font, in blue,
and it and the questions are all highlighted in grey (is that you?)
and the
other one is the same work with the title at the left margin and
no capitals on the words was or my
(is that you?).
If you are
the owner of one of these homework pieces, you should let me know today.
-Please be sure to do your 40 minutes to
an hour of reading today.
-Last class we learned about Japanese-Canadians
during WWII. Were your surprised that
our government forced them to leave their homes, jobs, and possessions and move
to internment camps? I was when I first learned
that. I’m collecting homework from the
following people: 8M -Maenign, Ramsen,
Kristine, Samuel, Dwayne, Gabrielle, Lucas, Sesinna, Aiden and 8B-Josh, Nina,
Joel, Anna, Aidan, Dominic, Munachi, Shaun
-Our last topic focus on how Romans had
fun, and today we shift our focus to a more serious topic and one that is
totally relevant to us at Holy Cross School.
Today we study Jesus as a historical figure.
-By now, we have a good idea about what
the Roman Empire was all about—what adjectives would you use to describe it?
-Think about what you know about Jesus—how
would you describe him?
-These two concepts seem to be totally
opposite, yet we wouldn’t have Christianity without the Roman Empire
-Our new Useful Latin Phrase is in hoc
signo vinces which translates to by this sign you will conquer
-We already know that the Romans took on
some of the Greek ideas, so we’ll explore that first
-Read p. CLXIV—remember that you have a “cheat
sheet” with all the Greek/Roman gods
-Read p. CLXV, including the green boxes
-Watch the following video which
introduces Jesus, the man, explores his life, then details the crucifixion and
how these events turned into a religion of two billion followers
-Do the following questions; I’ll be
collecting homework tomorrow.
Roman Religion and Christianity
Identify three Roman gods and their Greek counterparts. /3
Other than having the same gods with different names, how was the Roman
religion like the Greek religion? /1
Why did the Romans treat the Jews harshly? /2
The land of Jesus, Galilee and Judea, were conquered by the Romans so
were under Roman rule. What was life
like for the Jews and others in this province? /2
What was the “good news”/message/teachings of Jesus that made people want
to follow him? /2
Why was Jesus seen as a threat and executed by the Romans? /2
When we talk about the life of Jesus, who is Peter? Who is Paul?
After Jesus’s death, how did Christianity spread? (Hint: an event
happened 50 days after Easter that really helped!) /1
9. At the end of the video, we learn a
quote from a famous Christian historian.
What does the quote mean? /1
Why is today’s Useful Latin Phrase SO appropriate for us at Holy Cross
School? (Hint: Look at your class picture!) How could this phrase be used in our everyday
lives? /2
-Last class we looked at the idea of
NGOs--those organizations that help in the event of an emergency or who exist
to make the world a better place with no ties to a specific country
-Today we look at an organization that
works to improve quality of life-it’s the largest in the world and is supported
by 193 countries—it’s called the United Nations or the UN
Youtube video-United Nations Explained-CBC Kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaAmfiJtV4I
-Think of the UN as a government of the
-If you can, print off, then read
BLM—highlighting major ideas
-Understand that this “world government”
comes together to debate and discuss global issues but it does not have the
same authority of a national or provincial government—their resolutions/decisions
cannot be forced on independent nations—they are to be used as guidelines for
countries (think about the UDHR—same
-Assign the following questions. You may need to review the video again. You may also need to do some research to answer
questions 6 and 7. I'll be collecting homework tomorrow.
The United Nations
What caused the creation of the UN? When was it created? /2
What is the two main goals of the UN?
How does the UN try to achieve these goals? Be specific.
What is the UN General Assembly? /1
What is the UN Security Council and what does it have the power to
do? /2
What is the UN Economic and Social Council? Be specific.
Who is the current Secretary-General?
Where is he/she from? /2
8. Explain the colours and images on the UN flag. /4
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