Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Good morning.

Tomorrow, both 7s and 8s have a meeting; 
and I want to discuss etiquette or manners for video chatting.  
1.  When we're in a meeting, we're in a classroom; it's not hanging out with your friends (and teacher--that's weird!), it's a learning time with your classmates and me.  Thinking of it that way, you should behave as you would in my class.  
2.  You should be seated at a table or desk so you can write or otherwise work (hanging out in your bed is not okay).  
3.  You should have a glass of water with you (not snacks and bags of chips).  
4.  You should have your binder and a pen ready.  You should be in a quiet space away from others.  5.  If I mute you, your microphone gets crossed out--don't unmute yourself!--I've done it for a reason, you're probably in a noisy space and we can hear everything happening at your house.  
6.  Your camera should be on for the meeting and positioned in a way that we can see your face, not just your eyebrows or a zoomed in face--practice--we should be able to see your face and shoulders.  7.  If I call your name or ask you something, you have to answer with your voice, not just a wave; the point of this meeting is for interaction.
8.  If you have a question about something I've said, write it down and ask me at the end--that's when I'll take questions--it's not reasonable for people to just jump into my presentation--wait.
9.  Obviously, there is to be no photos, screen shots, recordings of any kind--if you can't do it at school, you can't do it at online school.


-Please be sure to do your 40 minutes or more of Reading.
-Yesterday I assigned homework for I am David-Intro Part 1.  I'm collecting homework from the following people:  8M:  Dara, Maya, JE, Jayson, Charlene, Iris, Roman and 8B:  Israel, Athaniel, Theodore, Josh, Nevaeh, Matteo
-By now, you should have checked if you can download/read the novel PDF I sent.  If not, you're going to have to get the book from school.  It's open between 9 and 1; check in at the office with Mrs. Anderson and she'll help you out.


-This last lesson, before the project, focussed on The Fall of the Empire.  Find the answers below and compare your work to mine.


1.  Most of the invaders were coming in from the north and the east.

2.  These invaders had the fact that they were all semi-nomadic herdsmen.  This means that they didn’t really set up permanent communities, they moved around a lot so their animals could graze (eat).  I think they were pushing into the empire’s territory because they wanted the good farmland of the Romans and they wanted the Roman lifestyle.

3.  Four problems facing the empire at the end of the 3rd century are:

-Roman soldiers were not fighting because they loved Rome and wanted to protect it—it was just a job/Soldiers were now mercenaries; they were in it for the money and loot.

-The empire was too big.  Roman soldiers would stop attacks in one place and invaders would just come in somewhere else.

-Businesses were going bankrupt and farms were being abandoned.  The food supply was damaged.

-People didn’t want to pay their taxes (which went to soldiers, roads, the Roman lifestyle) because they felt they weren’t getting their moneys worth—there was too many problems and the people were unhappy and unsafe.

-Romans no longer took pride in their cities and themselves; the Roman ideals were no longer practiced

-Emperors were corrupt and abusing their powers; there was no consistent government because emperors kept getting murdered.

4.  (answers will vary)

5.  (answers will vary)

6. (answers will vary)

-Tomorrow at 1 we're having a meeting; I'll be sending out invitations later today.  It'll work just like last time; scroll to the bottom of the message, click on the link and follow the instructions.

-Find below the project we'll be working on.  It would be best to review and print it since we'll be discussing it in tomorrow's meeting.  It'll also be handy as you're working through the project on a daily basis.  


-This last lesson, before the project, focussed on Global Events/Achievements.  Find the answers below and compare your work to mine.


1.  (answers will vary but should include the idea of celebrating different cultures, held in Winnipeg, and that it started in 1970 and runs every August).

2.  a)  The mission of Folklorama is to celebrate and promote different cultures and understanding.  B)  Three values of Folklorama are respecting people, appreciating diversity, integrity, and respecting culture.

3.  (answers will vary)

4.  (answers will vary)

5.  The Olympic rings are made up of five equally sized circles in blue, black, and red on the top row with green and red on the bottom row.  They represent the five continents coming together to play sports.

6. The goal of the Olympic movement is to make a better world, without discrimination, to play sports to build understanding, friendship, solidarity, and a sense of fairness.

7.  (answers will vary)

8.  (answers will vary but should include the idea that by celebrating our differences/diversity we understand each other better which leads to getting along better)

-Tomorrow at 11 we're having a virtual class.  I will send you an invitation later today--do not download anything before you get the invitation!  Tomorrow, around 1045, open the invitation and scroll through the message and at the bottom, click on Join Meeting.  Follow the screens until it takes you to my "waiting room/lobby".  I will start the class at 11.  If you follow these steps today, you'll be sitting in the waiting room until tomorrow--you can leave and come back tomorrow--so be at the meeting for 11 tomorrow.  I WILL BE USING THE EMAILS I HAVE ON FILE--IF YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT ONE, LET ME KNOW AND I'LL USE IT NEXT TIME.

-Find below the project we'll be working on.  It would be best to review and print it since we'll be discussing it in tomorrow's meeting.  It'll also be handy as you're working through the project on a daily basis.

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