Monday, 20 April 2020

Good morning everyone.


-Please make sure you’re doing your 40 minutes to an hour of Reading everyday.

-I did some marking on the weekend and want to write about “This Was My Brother”—please get out your work for this assignment.  Question 1 and 2 were inference questions; this means you need to infer or make an educated guess (hypothesis) as to why certain actions were chosen.  For question one:  When do YOU use the word THIS?  Usually when showing something (THIS is my breakfast of cold pizza.  THIS is my room.  THIS is my ELA binder.)  So…why do you think the author is using the word?  The brother isn’t there—he’s dead—so, what’s she probably doing when she says:  THIS is my brother.  Secondly, think about when you use the ellipsis—many of you do—you use to trail off, like you’re not sure how to end the sentence, like you are very emotional and can’t even find the words to use to express your feelings.  So, why does the author do it?  Think about what she’s saying when she uses this strategy.

-This was a very emotional poem.  It’s about a young girl who lost her big brother.  She looks up to him and remembers all kinds of small details about him.  Some of you had excellent homework that conveyed your deep understanding of the poem—nicely done!

-Last class we learned about Japanese Canadians during WWII.  Many of you were shocked and angry that OUR government did that its own citizens.  Some of you wrote about having learned about human rights and how Canada abused those rights.  So, decades later, the Canadian government recognized their wrongs.  See the following for more information.

-Today, we’re continuing our study of war and conflict with a very focussed lesson on WWII in Europe.

- We’re learning words that are specific to war and conflict; use a dictionary to look up the meaning of these words:  doctrine, intimidation, entrenched, liberation, tyranny, scapegoat, atrocities, indomitable, annihilation, culture.

- Now choose six words you’d like to learn more about—which words do you think will help you understand the time period?

- Now read “Notes on the Second World War, The Holocaust, and Judaism”.  As you’re reading, watch for the six words you chose to learn more about.  If it’s possible, print the handout and highlight the main idea of each paragraph.  Just like in class, read the paragraph THEN ask yourself:  what’s the paragraph all about?  Then look for that idea(s) and highlight it/them.

-If you can print, print two copies of the handout "The Wonder of Words".  If you can't print, that's okay, draw it on loose leaf.  At the start of this activity, I asked you to define a set of words then choose six to study closer.  This handout will allow you to demonstrate what you've learned.  On the line provided, write the first word you chose to study; you will write three things you learned about that word.  What does it mean? reflects the dictionary definition so write what you discovered, What is it similar to? reflects a synonym or phrase that means the same as the dictionary, and finally Original Sentence reflects your ability to write a new sentence using the word in the correct context.  This homework (The Wonder of Words) is due tomorrow.


Last class we learned about Roman Religion and Christianity so you’ll find the answers below.  Compare your work to what you see here.  I REALLY hope you get the last question correct!


1.  (answers will vary-see cheat sheet)

2.  Roman and Greek religions are similar because in both, families had their own deities, they both offered sacrifices, and they both used soothsayers

3.  Romans treated the Jews harshly because the Jews were monotheistic and resisted Roman rule/refused to change their beliefs.

4.  Life under Roman rule was very difficult; there was a lot of poverty and slavery.

5.  The teachings of Jesus were that God offered everyone forgiveness, love, and justice and that everyone (sinners, rich, etc.) could enter the kingdom and be “saved” by following Jesus.

6.  Jesus was seen as a threat because his followers were willing to disobey the emperor/Jewish leaders and they rejected sacrifices.  When people don’t follow the rules, they may want to rebel against the government to create change.

7.  Peter went to Rome and built the first church there and was the first bishop of Rome.  (Remember Matthew 16:18—And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church—Jesus said THEN that Peter would build the first church!)  Paul travelled and spread the story of Jesus—his words became the basis of the New Testament.

8.  Christianity spread because followers built churches and resisted persecution; this caused others to admire them and embrace the faith.

9.  The quote by Dr. Shelly Barber is “Christianity is the only major religion to have as its central event the humiliation of its God”.  I think this means that of all the religions in the world Christianity’s big event is Jesus being tortured and killed—no other religions “kill” their God.

10.  I hope you got this answer—look at our school logo!  (answers will vary as per how it can be used in our everyday lives)


-Last class we learned about the United Nations and how it acts as a government for the world, kind of.    Please compare your answers to what you see here.


1.  The UN was created because many countries had lived through two world wars and were afraid of nuclear weapons.  It was created in 1945.

2.  The two main goals of the UN are to avoid war and to help countries get along.

3.  The UN tries to achieve these goals by getting people what they need such as food, shelter, education, etc.

4.  The UN General Assembly is when the member countries meet to discuss and decide on any issue of international concern.

5.  The UN Security Council is the group in charge of maintaining international peace and security.  It has the power to get the UN involved in aggressive action.  It can send UN military to nations having problems with each other.

6.  The UN Economic and Social Council deals with the world’s problems that don’t involve war, such as drugs, crime, the environment, etc.

7.  The current Secretary-General is Antonio Guterres and he’s from Portugal.

8.  In the UN flag, the blue represents the world’s oceans and the white is a neutral colour because the UN doesn’t take sides.  It’s a map of the world encompassing all the countries of the world surrounded by an olive branch which represents peace.

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