Thursday, 30 April 2020

Good morning.

Great meetings yesterday everyone!  It was nice to see so many of you using proper online etiquette!

I always send the invitation one or two days ahead of time.  You should check for it ahead of time.  
Don't email me 15 minutes before the meeting telling me you didn't get it.  
Plan, prepare, get organized BEFORE the meeting.  
You can email me the day before and tell me you didn't get it but 
there's nothing I'm going to do about it the day of. the meeting.

You may want to discuss with your parents the idea of you having your own email account.  
I know some of you are using mom and dad accounts then having a problem at meeting time.  
Think about it as a family.  IF you get a different address, send it to me as soon as possible
and I will update my files.

Email today, before lunch, with your project choice or you will be assigned a topic.

When emailing me, always use the address.  The other address some of you are using is tied to Teams and I rarely check that.  Use the address that you've always used.


-Yesterday was our last day of Reading--please send me the last page you read of that book, with title.  This doesn't mean to stop reading, but I know some of you are having trouble accessing books and with us starting the novel study, I thought this was the best decision.
-Yesterday, I posted questions for the second part of the I am David intro.  All answers will vary but for question two, you should have calculated about 320 km (that about the distance from Winnipeg to Fargo.  I'm not collecting homework today.
-Today we start reading the novel.  Like we've learned in class, if you sticky note interesting language and concepts, you can come back to them if you need to.  If using the PDF, make a running record of page numbers that you found interesting.
-Read chapter 1 of I am David.
-In tomorrow's meeting, we'll be talking about how the small groups will work and you'll receive your assignments.  I'll be sending out the invitations later today.


-You're working on the ancient Rome project.  You need to email me today by lunch with your choice; you can choose Gladiator or Roman Living.  If you choose the magazine, include your section (homes, business, news, etc.).  IF I DON'T HEAR FROM YOU BY LUNCH, I WILL ASSIGN YOUR TOPIC.
-For those who have chosen Gladiator, I'll be emailing your parents this afternoon to ensure they will allow you to watch the move and do the project.  If we were in the classroom, I'd be sending home a permission form.  While it is an excellent movie depicting ancient Rome, there is some inappropriate language and reference to inappropriate behaviour.  I will not send you the project workbook until I get permission for you to watch the movie from your parents.  I will then send it directly to you--I won't post it here.  I will do parent emails after lunch.


-You're working on the Quality of Life project.  You need to email me today by lunch with your choice; you can choose Humanitarian or NGO.  You must include who or what your project will be about.  IF I DON'T HEAR FROM YOU BY LUNCH, I WILL ASSIGN YOUR TOPIC.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Good morning everyone.

If you didn't read my blog yesterday, you need to go there. 
I posted my etiquette/manners expectations for our meetings and 
I want you to be familiar with them and behave accordingly.

I'm having two meetings today; 
the grade 7 class will meet at 11 and the grade 8 class will meet at 1.  
I'll be unavailable for emails during these times.  Meetings will last about a half hour.  

On my blog yesterday I posted project information for 7s and 8s--
please print the handout, read it and have it handy; it's what I'll be discussing at the meeting.


-Please continue to read for 40 minutes to an hour.
-In today's meeting, we'll briefly review the answers posted below for Intro Questions-Part 1 since they provide setting details for our novel.
1.  Approximately 50 million people died, including six million Jews, as a result of WWII.
2.  Three problems communities had to deal with because of the war were transportation systems (roads and rails) were destroyed, communication systems (phone lines) were destroyed, cities and towns were destroyed (thousands were homeless, people had no jobs or businesses to go to), rural areas, such as farms, were destroyed (food supply was damaged/destroyed), and the death of so many meant people had lost their families and friends (their support system).
3.  A communist is a person who believes that the whole community owns everything and individuals own nothing of their own.  All possessions and businesses belong to the state/government/people.  Two beliefs of communists would be religion is forbidden, owning private wealth is forbidden, and a free press is forbidden.
4.  Winston Churchill first used the term "iron curtain" and it means the division between democratic western Europe and communist, USSR-controlled eastern Europe.
5.  A labour camp is a place of very hard work and torture, people were sent there because they disagreed with the government.  The government sent them there.
6.  (answers will vary) Three countries behind the iron curtain include Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria and three countries opposing this iron curtain were Italy, France, and West Germany.
7.  (answers will vary)  North Korea, China, Cuba, Laos, Venezuela are similar to Warsaw Pact countries.

-Continuing our introduction to the novel, today we're learning more about the setting and how our main character interacts with it.
-Review the handout Europe in the 1950s and compare it to the map of NATO and the Warsaw Pact, 1955.  Using the blank map below, use a red pencil crayon, not a marker (too dark) to shade those countries that are part of the Pact AND other communist nations.

-In the book, I am David, the man tells David (our main character) to travel to Salonica then "Find a ship that's bound for Italy, and when you get there go north till you come to a country called Denmark--you'll be safe there."  Imagine doing that by yourself!
-Do the following questions to get a better appreciate for David's journey.
Intro Questions-Part Two
1.  David escapes a labour camp in Belene, Bulgaria.  Review the map you shaded; what do you now know about Bulgaria?  Why might David, a child, be in a labour camp?  /2
2.  Continue working with the map you shaded; draw a possible route David would have travelled to Salonika.  Approximately how many kilometres is it?  How do you think David got to Salonika?  /2
3.  Draw David's possible route from Salonika to Salerno.  How do you think he arranged his journey on the boat from Greece to Italy?  /1
4.  From Salerno, using what you know about Europe's geography and the politics, identify and explain two problems David might have on his journey to Denmark.  /2
5.  Predict a character trait David will need to reach Denmark safely.  Explain why you think this trait will help him  /2


-Meeting will discuss the ancient Rome project.  It was posted on yesterday's blog; print it if you haven't yet done so.


-Meeting will discuss the Quality of Life project.  It was posted on yesterday's blog; print it if you haven't yet done so.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Good morning.

Tomorrow, both 7s and 8s have a meeting; 
and I want to discuss etiquette or manners for video chatting.  
1.  When we're in a meeting, we're in a classroom; it's not hanging out with your friends (and teacher--that's weird!), it's a learning time with your classmates and me.  Thinking of it that way, you should behave as you would in my class.  
2.  You should be seated at a table or desk so you can write or otherwise work (hanging out in your bed is not okay).  
3.  You should have a glass of water with you (not snacks and bags of chips).  
4.  You should have your binder and a pen ready.  You should be in a quiet space away from others.  5.  If I mute you, your microphone gets crossed out--don't unmute yourself!--I've done it for a reason, you're probably in a noisy space and we can hear everything happening at your house.  
6.  Your camera should be on for the meeting and positioned in a way that we can see your face, not just your eyebrows or a zoomed in face--practice--we should be able to see your face and shoulders.  7.  If I call your name or ask you something, you have to answer with your voice, not just a wave; the point of this meeting is for interaction.
8.  If you have a question about something I've said, write it down and ask me at the end--that's when I'll take questions--it's not reasonable for people to just jump into my presentation--wait.
9.  Obviously, there is to be no photos, screen shots, recordings of any kind--if you can't do it at school, you can't do it at online school.


-Please be sure to do your 40 minutes or more of Reading.
-Yesterday I assigned homework for I am David-Intro Part 1.  I'm collecting homework from the following people:  8M:  Dara, Maya, JE, Jayson, Charlene, Iris, Roman and 8B:  Israel, Athaniel, Theodore, Josh, Nevaeh, Matteo
-By now, you should have checked if you can download/read the novel PDF I sent.  If not, you're going to have to get the book from school.  It's open between 9 and 1; check in at the office with Mrs. Anderson and she'll help you out.


-This last lesson, before the project, focussed on The Fall of the Empire.  Find the answers below and compare your work to mine.


1.  Most of the invaders were coming in from the north and the east.

2.  These invaders had the fact that they were all semi-nomadic herdsmen.  This means that they didn’t really set up permanent communities, they moved around a lot so their animals could graze (eat).  I think they were pushing into the empire’s territory because they wanted the good farmland of the Romans and they wanted the Roman lifestyle.

3.  Four problems facing the empire at the end of the 3rd century are:

-Roman soldiers were not fighting because they loved Rome and wanted to protect it—it was just a job/Soldiers were now mercenaries; they were in it for the money and loot.

-The empire was too big.  Roman soldiers would stop attacks in one place and invaders would just come in somewhere else.

-Businesses were going bankrupt and farms were being abandoned.  The food supply was damaged.

-People didn’t want to pay their taxes (which went to soldiers, roads, the Roman lifestyle) because they felt they weren’t getting their moneys worth—there was too many problems and the people were unhappy and unsafe.

-Romans no longer took pride in their cities and themselves; the Roman ideals were no longer practiced

-Emperors were corrupt and abusing their powers; there was no consistent government because emperors kept getting murdered.

4.  (answers will vary)

5.  (answers will vary)

6. (answers will vary)

-Tomorrow at 1 we're having a meeting; I'll be sending out invitations later today.  It'll work just like last time; scroll to the bottom of the message, click on the link and follow the instructions.

-Find below the project we'll be working on.  It would be best to review and print it since we'll be discussing it in tomorrow's meeting.  It'll also be handy as you're working through the project on a daily basis.  


-This last lesson, before the project, focussed on Global Events/Achievements.  Find the answers below and compare your work to mine.


1.  (answers will vary but should include the idea of celebrating different cultures, held in Winnipeg, and that it started in 1970 and runs every August).

2.  a)  The mission of Folklorama is to celebrate and promote different cultures and understanding.  B)  Three values of Folklorama are respecting people, appreciating diversity, integrity, and respecting culture.

3.  (answers will vary)

4.  (answers will vary)

5.  The Olympic rings are made up of five equally sized circles in blue, black, and red on the top row with green and red on the bottom row.  They represent the five continents coming together to play sports.

6. The goal of the Olympic movement is to make a better world, without discrimination, to play sports to build understanding, friendship, solidarity, and a sense of fairness.

7.  (answers will vary)

8.  (answers will vary but should include the idea that by celebrating our differences/diversity we understand each other better which leads to getting along better)

-Tomorrow at 11 we're having a virtual class.  I will send you an invitation later today--do not download anything before you get the invitation!  Tomorrow, around 1045, open the invitation and scroll through the message and at the bottom, click on Join Meeting.  Follow the screens until it takes you to my "waiting room/lobby".  I will start the class at 11.  If you follow these steps today, you'll be sitting in the waiting room until tomorrow--you can leave and come back tomorrow--so be at the meeting for 11 tomorrow.  I WILL BE USING THE EMAILS I HAVE ON FILE--IF YOU HAVE A DIFFERENT ONE, LET ME KNOW AND I'LL USE IT NEXT TIME.

-Find below the project we'll be working on.  It would be best to review and print it since we'll be discussing it in tomorrow's meeting.  It'll also be handy as you're working through the project on a daily basis.

Monday, 27 April 2020

Good morning.

What a nice weekend we had; I hope everyone got outside to enjoy the sun and warm temps!

No meeting today--Wednesday.

It seems there was a problem with my email and the homework you should have received.  I have looked into it and I'm not sure what the problem was, so let's do this:  I'm assigning it today.  

I know this online teaching/learning is new to everyone and we're probably spending more time on our devices than before so I want everyone to know that I'm at my desk most of the day. 
 If you note the time I post my blog, it's usually around 8-8:30 (the time school starts).  
Feel free to email me through the day if you're having troubles with an assignment or 
need to ask a question.  That's why I'm here.  I'm sitting at my desk working.
If you send me an email before/after regular school time, or on the weekend, 
I won't get it/reply to it until the next school day.


-Please make sure you're doing the 40 minutes to an hour of Reading today.
-I'm going to make small groups for our novel study. It'll mean that you do the day's assignment together.  You can Facetime, group chat, text, email, phone, Zoom/Skype or other video chat platforms to have a conversation about what you're learning that day.  Your group will then discuss with me in a small meeting and then present to the class in a whole class meeting.  Think about who you'd like to work with in a group; I'm letting students form their own groups BUT I can change the group members if necessary.  Groups can be three to four (preferably four) and can be a mixture of 8B and 8M students.  Choose one person to send me the group members today or tomorrow.  If I don't hear from you, I will make a group for you.  If you have a friend you'd like to work with, and it doesn't matter who else is in the group, send me that information--remember:  I'm at my desk all day.  Consult with me.
-Last Friday, we got started on I am David.  My email with the assignment didn't go through.  Below, you'll see the reading and an address for a map followed by a set of questions.  This work is due tomorrow.  If you got the email and the work is done, you have no ELA to do today.

Intro-I am David-Part 1
1.  Roughly how many people died as a result of WWII?  /1
2.  Identify three problems communities had to deal with after the war?  Think about what the war would have done to towns and systems within the towns.  /3
3.  Define communist.  Identify two beliefs of a communist.  /3
4.  Who first used the term iron curtain?  What does the phrase mean (it's a metaphor)?  /2
5.  What is a labour camp?  Who was sent to labour camps?  By whom?  /3
6.  The Warsaw Pact was an agreement between certain countries to be allied with each other; they had similar beliefs and values or these beliefs and values were forced upon them by the Soviet Union (Russia).  Identify three countries considered behind the iron curtain (meaning they are part of the Warsaw Pact).  Identify three countries that opposed, or who were not behind the iron curtain (do not include neutral countries).  /6
7.  Is there a nation today that is communist?  Name it and tell me two facts about life in that country.  /3


-Last class we studied the fall of the Empire.  Today I'm collecting homework from the following people:  8M-James, Emily, Quentin and 8B-Joel, Munachi, Shaun, Allycia, Nevaeh


-Last class we finished our unit on quality of life with learning how we cooperate globally.  Today I'm collecting homework from the following people:  Kailee, Angelica, Feven, Owen, Ava, Khrystle, Lauren, Samara.
-We will be having a virtual class, from now I'll call it a meeting, on Wednesday at 11.  I will send an invitation on Wednesday morning.  You do not need to download anything; receive the invitation , click on Join Meeting, and it'll bring you to the virtual classroom.  I will be using the email you use to send me your homework.  If you want me to use a different address, let me know today or tomorrow; I won't update addresses on Wednesday.  You will need to find a quiet space in the house for us to meet and you can't be sitting in your bed; treat it like my classroom.

Friday, 24 April 2020

Good morning everyone.

The grade 8s will have a virtual class today at 1; I'm hoping everyone is there and prepared.  
It seems that there is some confusion out there this morning--
I'm resending the invitation--details unchanged.

The grade 7s will have a virtual class next week on Wednesday, at 11.


-Please be sure to do your 40 minutes to an hour of Reading.
-We'll be starting our novel study of I am David today via our meeting.  By now, you should have set yourself up for that.  This means that your device is ready for your participation and you have either gone to school to pick up a hardcopy of the book OR downloaded the PDF I posted on my blog.  We will be starting reading today.


-Last class we learned about how the almighty Roman Empire was divided into two sides.  Today we're looking at a new topic.


-We’ve seen in the last few classes that there doesn’t seem to be the stability of the ROMAN empire anymore and that’s our focus today—THE END!

-What’s a barbarian?  Think about how you or someone else has used the word?  What kind of person were they describing?

-The barbarians are only one reason the empire came to an end, but we’ll start with them

-Read p. CLXVIII and continue onto p. CLXIX

-Have you been updating your Who’s Who and Date Chart?  I hope so; if not do that now.  You’ll need that information for the project!

-Turn to p. CLXX and look at the picture in Figure 8.33.  LOOK, don’t read.  Look deep into the background.  Look in the foreground.  Check things out from side to side.  What’s happening here?  Who’s “winning”?  How do you know?  NOW, read the caption.  Let’s review the painting.  Look at the man on horseback—what colour is the horse?  What does that colour represent?  Look at what’s under the horses feet?  What message does this send about the man on horseback?  Look at the soldiers in shadow at the far right; see their arms pointing forward—why?

-Remember that we have talked about art in SS class before.  We can learn a lot about how people “see” historical events and people by how they are represented in art.  ALWAYS take the time to look at the pictures!

-Now read the page.

-Do the following questions; they’ll be due tomorrow.

The Fall of the Roman Empire

1.  Review the map on page CLXVIII.  Where were most of the invaders coming from?  What two directions?  /2

2.  What did these invaders/barbarians have in common?  Why do you think they were pushing into the empire’s territory?

3.  Identify/Explain four problems facing the empire by the 3rd century. Do not use “invading barbarians” as one problem.  A thorough point form will be acceptable.  /4

4.   Choose one of the problems you identified in question three, and propose a solution.  /2

5.  In your opinion, what was the biggest problem which contributed to the fall of the empire?  /2

6.  Make a reasonable prediction on the consequences of the fall of the empire.  What do you think will happen to the people because the empire is no more?  Why do you think things will go that way?  /2


-Our last class today, before the project, continues with the theme of Global Cooperation.  We're going to study a local version of this theme, Folklorama, and an international version, the Olympics.
-Explore the Folklorama website and click on About.  Review the Mission, Vision and Value then go on to read the stories on Folklorama Tales (still under the About menu)
-Move onto a truly international event, the Olympics.  Click on About, then Who We Are and then The Rings and then More About Olympism.  If you continue to scroll down the screen, you can continue to learn about many specific goals within the Olympism movement.  Review Refugee Olympic Team.
-Do the following questions; they'll be due tomorrow.

Global Events
**Before you go on to answer these questions, I'm noticing some of you are copying right out of the textbook.  DO NOT DO THIS.  Just like in class, you have learned that true learning happens when you read information, think about it, and re-tell it in "kid-friendly" language.  Sometimes there is no other way to repeat information other than using the very specific words in your text BUT the sentence structure should be your own.
1.  In your own words, in one sentence, what is Folklorama?  (Be sure to give me as much information as possible--think about the W questions)  /3
2.  a)  What is the Mission of Folklorama?  /1  b)  What are three Values of Folklorama?  /1
3.  After reading Folklorama Tales, choose one and tell me about it in three to five sentences.
4.  Have you ever participated in Folklorama, as a performer, volunteer, or guest?  In three to five sentences, tell me about your experience.  If you have never been part of Folklorama, is it an activity you'd be willing to explore?  Tell me why.  /3
5.  Explain the Olympic Rings.  /1
6. What is the goal of the Olympic movement?  /1
7.  In three to five sentences, tell me what you learned about the Refugee Olympic Team.  /3
8.  Tell me why events like Folklorama and the Olympics are important for people of the world.  /2

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Good morning.

Tomorrow, Friday, April 24, at 1:00 p.m., the grade 8 classes will meet with me for a virtual class--from now on we'll just call this a meeting.  
So we're having a meeting on Friday--I'd like all the grade 8 students to attend.  
Make sure that  your microphone and camera work on whichever device you choose to use. 
Be prepared to see your classmates; THAT means no pajamas--be ready for class!  
 Be in a space that works for learning and listening--maybe the family play area isn't the best place.  Come to the meeting with loose-leaf and pen.  

Here's how to attend the meeting:
2.  Scroll to the bottom of the email and click on the purple link that says Join Microsoft Teams Meeting.
3.  On the next page, click on Join as a Guest.
4.  Type your name in the space provided.
5.  You will then be sent to the lobby/waiting room.  On my screen, I watch your names appearing on my screen, not you, your name (you're not in the meeting yet--you're being held in an area where I can see who has arrived--this lets me control who comes to our meeting).
6.  I will accept you into my meeting--watch your screen and you'll see me and your classmates.  

Based on your screen size, you probably won't be able to see EVERYONE, but you will see me.
You don't need to load anything ahead of time.  Follow the instructions above.  
Once you're in the lobby, stay there, class will start at 1.  
It's probably a good idea to start around ten to 1 (12:50); this will give you ten minutes to get to class.
**Parents--you are welcome to check in with us.


-Please make sure you do your 40 minutes to an hour of Reading today
-This is the link to the I am David PDF.  Copy it into your browser and make sure it takes you to the book.


-Yesterday, I collected homework on the Byzantine Empire.  The answers are posted below; review them and compare to your own.


1.  In 313 AD, he allowed Christians to practice their religion (without persecution) and in 337 AD, he became a Christian on his deathbed (this would have been monumental—the leader of the empire turning away from the polytheistic religion and CHOOSING to be a Christian).

2.  a)  The official split was in 395 AD.

b)  It was split because the Emperor wanted to live in the east because there was less trouble there.

c)  (answers will vary)  A positive of this split was the Emperor was safer/people of the east were safer because the Emperor would have come with more “security” and a negative of this would be that the west became more dangerous because the Emperor/”security” was gone/people would have felt abandoned because the leader left them for a safer area.

3)  Three characteristics of the Byzantine Empire are the religion (Greek language, refusing the pope as head of its church, a distinct form of Christianity), respect for literature (libraries preserving Greek philosophers and poets), architecture (featuring domes from the East), fashion (expensive silks and other fabrics from Asia), and art (mosaics were popular on walls, floors, ceilings).

4)  Emperor Justinian created the Justinian Code and it influenced the Western world because it focussed on equality and justice not just punishment.  It affected quality of life because people would be treated more fairly which resulted in people being happier and more loyal to the leaders.  It also improved quality of life because people weren’t just being punished when found guilty; they often had to make things better (repay the person they stole from/fix what they had damaged, etc.)

5)  Cosmopolitan means being worldly/understanding how things work in many, different countries.  Constantinople could be called a cosmopolitan city because many people in this city were foreigners who brought their own languages, fashions, and religions.  (Review the answer for #3 above—it reflects a cosmopolitan city).

6.  Constantinople resisted conquest for so long for one main reason:  money.  There was lots of trade moving through the city from east to west and west to east, people were importing goods and then exporting them, artisans within the city used all kinds of products to create new things and sell them to eager people who wanted to buy them.  If the city came under threat, these people would be loyal and protect the city.  Also, foreigners wouldn’t attack and destroy the city that buys their goods or sells their products.  There’s am saying:  don’t bite the hand that feeds you (this is an idiom—like skating on thin ice—we studied this in class).  It means don’t hurt the hand/betray the person who helps you/keeps you alive.  A second answer could be that their geographic location provided excellent observation of their surroundings and they could see the enemy coming and prepare better.


-Yesterday, I collected homework on Peacekeeping.  The answers are posted below; review them and compare to your own.


1.  Other than maintaining peace and security, peacekeepers help civilians, support the organization of elections, protect and promote human rights, assist in the disarmament and reintegration of former combatants, and assist in restoring the rule of law.

2.  The three basic principles of UN peacekeeping are consent of the countries, being neutral, and not using force except for self-defence.

3.  It’s important to have female peacekeepers because they provide a sense of security for women and children, act as role models for gender equality, improve access and support from law enforcement for local women, and help the UN address sexual exploitation and abuse.

4.  Most peacekeeping activities are in Africa.

5.  Three stresses Canadian peacekeepers might face are separation from family/friends for long periods of time, the possibility of witnessing extreme violent, having to use force on someone, suffering force used against themselves, and the realization that they could be killed.

6.  Naval Lt. McKinnon ran a medical clinic, worked in hospitals and orphanages and helped victims of war and famine.

7.  Izzy dolls were created by the mother of Master Corporal Mark Isfeld in Croatia in the early 1990s.  They were handmade dolls given to children to bring them happiness and hope.

8.  (answers will vary)

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Hello everyone!

Big news!  Yesterday, I met with some of your classmates and set up the virtual classroom!  It will allow us to have a face-to-face meeting and we can talk with each other to clear up confusion.  While I can't force people to attend, I really hope that you do.  From what I'm hearing from your parents and you, people are missing the discussions we have, the "big ideas" that get explained, and the general better understanding that is gained in a real person classroom.

Grade 8 ELA will meet at 1:00 p.m. this Friday.  We'll need about a half hour to 45 minutes.  I'll be introducing the novel study.  Put this in your calendar!  Talk to your parents about setting aside this time with a device (phone, laptop, desktop, tablet, etc.).  I'd like both classes together for this session.  I will send invitations Friday morning with instructions for how to access the class.

Grade 8 SS will meet at 1:00 p.m. next week on Wednesday.  Again, we'll need about a half hour to 45 minutes.  I'll be introducing the Rome project.  Put this in your calendar!  Talk to your parents about setting aside this time with a device (phone, laptop, desktop, tablet, etc.).  I will send invitations Wednesday morning with instructions for how to access the class.

Grade 7 SS will meet at 11:00 p.m. next week on Wednesday.  We'll need about a half hour to 45 minutes.  I'll be introducing the Quality of Life project.  Put this in your calendar!  Talk to your parents about setting aside this time with a device (phone, laptop, desktop, tablet, etc.).  I will send invitations Friday morning with instructions for how to access the class.  

Be sure to still check the blog on these days since I'll be posting the project and rubric.  If you can, print it and have it for the meeting.  Read through the project and if you have any questions, I can answer them during our class.  

If you can't make the meeting, for whatever reason, that's okay but let me know and we can have a phone or email conversation about the project.  If you have any questions about these classes, or your parents do, send me an email and we can talk about them.  I encourage everyone to come to class!

Now, let's get to work.


-Please be sure to do your 40 minutes to an hour of Reading today.
-Last class I assigned The Wonder of Words for the Notes on the Second World War, the Holocaust, and Judaism.  Because everyone's work will be different, I won't be posting answers for you to review.


-Last class we learned about the Byzantine Empire.  I'm collecting homework from the following people:  8M-Emily, Kristine, Dwayne, Gabrielle, Lucas, Sesinna, Naod and 8B-Athaniel, Dominic, Shaun, Allycia, Sherah-Mae, Livia, Matteo, Nevaeh.  Please send this work today.


-Last class we learned about the UN peacekeepers and Canada's role in it.  I'm collecting homework from the following people:  Ethan, Riley, Chimdi, Feven, Lola, Catherine, Joseph, AJ, Julie, Owen, Samara


Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Good morning everyone.

Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day.  I thought it would be a good idea to think more deeply on what happened during this time in history since it is a topic we're currently studying in school.  Please check out the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.  I've included the link below.

I've been out of ink so that's why it's taking me a bit longer to get my marking done; 
to mark from the screen is too hard on my eyes.  

We'll be starting our class novel I am David later this week.  As I mentioned before, 
if you need/want the hardcover book, you can pick it up at school.  

Please remember that all lockers must be emptied before next week Friday.

I'm in the final planning/practicing stages of hosting a virtual classroom.  
The platform is more secure than Zoom so we'll be able to function in a very safe environment.  
It will operate much like Zoom so you'll need a microphone and camera on your device. 
I'll be looking for some volunteers to help me run a "practice" class to work out the bugs 
and to act as helpers to classmates so please watch for that email.

The school is open between 9 and 1 everyday.  Please enter at the front office doors.


-Please make sure to do your 40 minutes to an hour of Reading today.
-Last class we learned about WWII, the Holocaust, and Judaism and I asked you to work on a vocabulary activity.  I'm collecting homework from the following people:  8M-James, Emily, Marvic, Quentin, Dara, Gabrielle, Naod and 8B-Athaniel, Eric, Joel, Matteo, Nevaeh.  Please send this work today.


-Last class we learned about Jesus and Christianity; you can imagine the uncertainty in the empire at this time.  We know Christians were being persecuted yet more and more people came to follow this faith.  This social upheaval, the changing of values, the fear of change made things difficult and Emperor Constantine arrived in the middle of this flux.  Major events were happening.

-Read p. CLXVI and CLXVII.  We're learning about The Byzantine Empire and Constantinople
-Do the following questions.  I'll be collecting homework tomorrow.

The Byzantine Empire

1.  What did Emperor Constantine do to affect Christianity?  Be sure to explain the affect and not simply what he did.  /2 (You may want to review what you learned last class.)

2.  The Roman Empire was officially split into two parts:  Western and Eastern. The Emperor lived in the Eastern half.

a)  When was the official split?  /1

b)  Why was it split?  /1

c)  Identify one positive and one negative of this official split.  /4

3.  What are three characteristics of the Byzantine Empire (what made it unique?  What made it “Byzantine”?)  /3

4.  Emperor Justinian undertook documenting the laws of the empire.  Name the document, identify how it influenced the Western world, and explain how this new concept affected quality of life.  /4

5.  Define the word cosmopolitan.  Tell me why Constantinople could be called a “cosmopolitan city”.  /2

6.  Thinking about its location and its cosmopolitan nature, why do you think Constantinople resisted conquest for so long?  /2


-Last class we learned about the UN, we understand that it’s like a government of the world, we know that its decisions aren’t binding but rather they act as guidelines

-We learned that the UN’s goal is to avoid war and that is partly achieved with the UN Security Council

-Today we’re looking closer at how that is done—specifically, with peacekeepers—why would the UN want “peacekeepers”? brainstorm ideas

-Open site-watch the short slide show on the Home page.  It will give you an overview of the site. 

-Click on What is Peacekeeping? and read the text.  Then click on the sidebar menu Our Peacekeepers and read the text.

-Click on the top menu Where We Operate.  Explore the map with current conflicts and peacekeeper activity.

-We now have a good understanding of how the UN works to establish/preserve peace around the world

-Let’s learn about Canada’s involvement.  Does anyone know someone in the Canadian military?

-Access the Canada Remembers site.
-Read the document (or print it).  If you print it, help your understanding by highlighting the major idea in each paragraph like we do in class.

-Assign the following questions.


1.  According to the UN’s Peacekeeping site, other than maintaining peace and security, identify three things peacekeepers are called upon to do.  /3

2.  What are the three basic principles of UN peacekeeping?  Use kid-friendly language.  /3

3.  Why is it important to have female peacekeepers?  /2

4.  Reviewing the map of current peacekeeping activity, what do you notice about the locations of most of the conflicts? 

5.  Thinking about Canadian peacekeepers, identify three stresses or things people find difficult when called upon to be a peacekeeper.  /3

6.  What did Naval Lieutenant Heather MacKinnon do as a peacekeeper in Somalia during the early 1990s?  /3

7.  Explain the W questions surrounding Izzy dolls.  (Who started them, where did they take place, when did they take place, what are they, why were they created)   /5

8.  Explain how peacekeepers improve quality of life.  I've been asking this question with every lesson lately and many of you are giving low level answers--think about it--why are peacekeepers helpful?  Don't simply tell me they keep the peace--WHY and HOW does that improve the lives of people?  WHY and HOW are their lives better because of peacekeepers?  /2

Monday, 20 April 2020

Good morning everyone.


-Please make sure you’re doing your 40 minutes to an hour of Reading everyday.

-I did some marking on the weekend and want to write about “This Was My Brother”—please get out your work for this assignment.  Question 1 and 2 were inference questions; this means you need to infer or make an educated guess (hypothesis) as to why certain actions were chosen.  For question one:  When do YOU use the word THIS?  Usually when showing something (THIS is my breakfast of cold pizza.  THIS is my room.  THIS is my ELA binder.)  So…why do you think the author is using the word?  The brother isn’t there—he’s dead—so, what’s she probably doing when she says:  THIS is my brother.  Secondly, think about when you use the ellipsis—many of you do—you use to trail off, like you’re not sure how to end the sentence, like you are very emotional and can’t even find the words to use to express your feelings.  So, why does the author do it?  Think about what she’s saying when she uses this strategy.

-This was a very emotional poem.  It’s about a young girl who lost her big brother.  She looks up to him and remembers all kinds of small details about him.  Some of you had excellent homework that conveyed your deep understanding of the poem—nicely done!

-Last class we learned about Japanese Canadians during WWII.  Many of you were shocked and angry that OUR government did that its own citizens.  Some of you wrote about having learned about human rights and how Canada abused those rights.  So, decades later, the Canadian government recognized their wrongs.  See the following for more information.

-Today, we’re continuing our study of war and conflict with a very focussed lesson on WWII in Europe.

- We’re learning words that are specific to war and conflict; use a dictionary to look up the meaning of these words:  doctrine, intimidation, entrenched, liberation, tyranny, scapegoat, atrocities, indomitable, annihilation, culture.

- Now choose six words you’d like to learn more about—which words do you think will help you understand the time period?

- Now read “Notes on the Second World War, The Holocaust, and Judaism”.  As you’re reading, watch for the six words you chose to learn more about.  If it’s possible, print the handout and highlight the main idea of each paragraph.  Just like in class, read the paragraph THEN ask yourself:  what’s the paragraph all about?  Then look for that idea(s) and highlight it/them.

-If you can print, print two copies of the handout "The Wonder of Words".  If you can't print, that's okay, draw it on loose leaf.  At the start of this activity, I asked you to define a set of words then choose six to study closer.  This handout will allow you to demonstrate what you've learned.  On the line provided, write the first word you chose to study; you will write three things you learned about that word.  What does it mean? reflects the dictionary definition so write what you discovered, What is it similar to? reflects a synonym or phrase that means the same as the dictionary, and finally Original Sentence reflects your ability to write a new sentence using the word in the correct context.  This homework (The Wonder of Words) is due tomorrow.


Last class we learned about Roman Religion and Christianity so you’ll find the answers below.  Compare your work to what you see here.  I REALLY hope you get the last question correct!


1.  (answers will vary-see cheat sheet)

2.  Roman and Greek religions are similar because in both, families had their own deities, they both offered sacrifices, and they both used soothsayers

3.  Romans treated the Jews harshly because the Jews were monotheistic and resisted Roman rule/refused to change their beliefs.

4.  Life under Roman rule was very difficult; there was a lot of poverty and slavery.

5.  The teachings of Jesus were that God offered everyone forgiveness, love, and justice and that everyone (sinners, rich, etc.) could enter the kingdom and be “saved” by following Jesus.

6.  Jesus was seen as a threat because his followers were willing to disobey the emperor/Jewish leaders and they rejected sacrifices.  When people don’t follow the rules, they may want to rebel against the government to create change.

7.  Peter went to Rome and built the first church there and was the first bishop of Rome.  (Remember Matthew 16:18—And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church—Jesus said THEN that Peter would build the first church!)  Paul travelled and spread the story of Jesus—his words became the basis of the New Testament.

8.  Christianity spread because followers built churches and resisted persecution; this caused others to admire them and embrace the faith.

9.  The quote by Dr. Shelly Barber is “Christianity is the only major religion to have as its central event the humiliation of its God”.  I think this means that of all the religions in the world Christianity’s big event is Jesus being tortured and killed—no other religions “kill” their God.

10.  I hope you got this answer—look at our school logo!  (answers will vary as per how it can be used in our everyday lives)


-Last class we learned about the United Nations and how it acts as a government for the world, kind of.    Please compare your answers to what you see here.


1.  The UN was created because many countries had lived through two world wars and were afraid of nuclear weapons.  It was created in 1945.

2.  The two main goals of the UN are to avoid war and to help countries get along.

3.  The UN tries to achieve these goals by getting people what they need such as food, shelter, education, etc.

4.  The UN General Assembly is when the member countries meet to discuss and decide on any issue of international concern.

5.  The UN Security Council is the group in charge of maintaining international peace and security.  It has the power to get the UN involved in aggressive action.  It can send UN military to nations having problems with each other.

6.  The UN Economic and Social Council deals with the world’s problems that don’t involve war, such as drugs, crime, the environment, etc.

7.  The current Secretary-General is Antonio Guterres and he’s from Portugal.

8.  In the UN flag, the blue represents the world’s oceans and the white is a neutral colour because the UN doesn’t take sides.  It’s a map of the world encompassing all the countries of the world surrounded by an olive branch which represents peace.