Please submit your yearbook write-up as soon as possible.
I posted a worksheet for it last week; scroll through my entries and find it, print it, fill in the blanks, and then return it to me or Ms. Cruse.
If you can't print it, write the answers on loose-leaf and send it in.
Please remember that if you require a one-on-one meeting with me or a different teacher,
you must make that appointment before the end of this week.
Teachers are only coming in for appointments; so if you just show up,
the teacher you want to see probably won't be in. Make a plan.
Grade 8 Students--The ELA homework I'm assigning is due tomorrow
and the SS homework is due on Monday.
-Yesterday you read chapter 6 of I am David and we met a new character who shared an interesting story with David. Do the questions below; I'll be collecting them tomorrow.
Chapter 6 Summary
1. Describe the imagery of the church that David enters. Remember, imagery means details that you can see, smell, taste, hear, and touch. /2
2. a) The church's priest has been praying to Saint Christopher. Explain why that is an interesting coincidence. (Hint--who is St. Christopher?) /2
b) What does David think about the priest's ideas about there being only one god? /2
3. On p. 136/137 of the hard copy and p. 132/133 of the PDF, David has decided that life is no longer worth living because he remembers and realizes something. What is it? Why doesn't he want to live anymore? What is the purpose of his prayer? /3
4. David meets Signora Bang. Why does he like her? /1
5. David discovers a photo album and focusses on a photo of Signora Bang's friend. Re-tell the friend's story. /5
6. What would you infer/predict about Signora Bang's friend? What would you infer/predict about the man? /2
7. Identify style in the chapter. Identify the fig. lang./lit. device, cite text, and explain why it is useful to the story. DO NOT define it--explain why it makes the story more interesting! /3
8. Consider updating your Character Relationship Web and Character Traits Charts.
-Yesterday you sent me the answers to the Religion topic. Compare your work to the answers below then scroll down for today's new topic.
Religion - Answers
1. Religion gave people a purpose/a reason for getting up in the morning and a sense of hope because life was very hard during this time.
2. To participate in their faith, people would go to mass regularly, show charity to others, and participate in the sacraments.
3. a) A monk is a man who has dedicated himself to God and who will live to serve the community in poverty, chastity, and obedience. b) Monasteries were places people go to for medical help, travellers went for a place to stay, and they were places of learning.
4. a) A nun is a woman who has dedicated herself to God and who will live to serve the community in poverty, chastity, and obedience. b) Convents were places were nuns cared for orphans, the sick, and the homeless.
5. Religious life gave women power because they acted as hospitals meaning the nuns were educated OR because abbesses could rule over manors and serfs meaning they controlled the lives of many, sometimes even defence forces.
6. Excommunication means to be banished or kicked out of the church. It was very bad because people couldn’t participate in the sacraments and would never get a chance to get to heaven.
7. (answers will vary)
8. (answers will vary)
--we have a pretty good idea now about what Europe looked like from a government and military perspective, now we want to look at what everyday life was like
-most of us are familiar with fairy tales of castles and knights in armour fighting dragons—that’s where we start today—can you name any famous castles?
-let’s watch a short video which will show us the difference--copy this address into your browser
-now let’s look for more specific information
-read text p. 224-225
-now we know that castles would have held knights so let’s learn more about them
-read text p. 221
-do the following questions; they'll be due Monday
Castles and Knights
1. Differentiate between a castle and a palace. /2
2. Motte and bailey castles are made up of three distinct parts. Define each of the following terms: motte, bailey, and keep. /3
3. Explain how trebuchets/mangonels were used. What difficulty or negative do you see with using these weapons during an attack on a castle? /2
4. What is a knight? What was expected of him? /2
5. Define apprenticeship. /1
6. Identify the two stages of apprenticeship for a knight. Explain three characteristics of what someone had to do while in each stage. /3
-Yesterday I posted the "answer key" the worksheet you worked on Tuesday. I did not collect homework. I asked you to review the answer key to learn how individuals, groups and nations can use their power
- we now have a good
idea of how individuals like Beyonce, groups like the UN, or countries like
Canada get power and use it
-we now want to take a
look at how this looks around the world
-you probably know that
there have been many technological changes in recent years and this means
that the time it takes to travel from one place in the world to another has
become shorter and shorter, and more people are moving from place to place
-all of us share the
earth and we are coming together and sharing similar experiences; this is
called globalization.
-read the handout
-as you can see as we
share experiences with people around the world, our connections with them grows
-our closeness to the
United States means we have lots in common with them and the fact that Mexico shares
a border with the United States and the three countries share a continent would
mean that we probably trade a lot with each other
-thinking about these
three countries, some things grow in Mexico that don’t grow here and we want
those things—for instance, Mexican tropical fruits—we are a powerful country
and can buy easily from less powerful countries because they want the trade so this
leads to a new topic: Fair Trade—read the excerpt from your textbook called Fair Trade--you only need to read the bottom of page 116 and the top of 117 (Fair Trade paragraphs)
-complete the following questions;
they'll be due tomorrow.
1. Define globalization. /1
2. Explain how free trade works. /1
3. Look for evidence of globalization in your
home. Look at the labels and packaging
of various items in your kitchen, laundry room, bathroom, and bedroom
closets. Identify three items and the
country where each was made. Your goal
is to find three objects from three different countries. /3
4. In your opinion, identify one reason that
globalization is a good thing. Tell me
why. /2
5. Imagine you are a student from a less-developed
country. Identify one reason that
globalization is a good thing. Tell me
why. /2
6. Identify a problem that globalization causes
and tell me why it’s bad. /2
7. What is fairtrade? /1
8. Go to the Fairtrade website (
and learn about workers
for several different products. Choose
one product (tea, wine, bananas, etc.)
and identify two facts you learned about the item and two facts about
how Fairtrade makes it better. /4
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