Friday, 1 May 2020

Good morning everyone.

Grade 7 meeting at 11--optional.  Please arrive with your microphone off. 
I'll call your name, we can discuss your questions, then you can go.  

Grade 8 meeting at 1--not optional.  Please arrive with your microphone off.


-We're working on our novel study.  Below you'll find handouts that we'll be starting today.  It would be best to print them and have them handy for the meeting.  If printing isn't possible, copy them onto loose leaf--problem solved.  I also included the Sample Character Traits handout in case you lost yours.  We'll be working on these handouts today but for the most part, you will work on them as we progress through the novel.


-Working on ancient Rome project.
-I will allow you to have two pages for your article--I'm sure you've seen this in magazines.  One page is dedicated to content and the other is a full page spread of a picture relating to the article.  Remember that you must use 12 font whether you have a one or two page article.


-Working on Quality of Life project.

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