Thursday, 21 May 2020

Good morning.


-Pink questions are due today so I want to give you some things to think about and reminders.
1.  If you refer to someone who believes in Christ, you need a capital C as in Christian.
2.  Title bars with INTERESTING and UNIQUE titles are necessary.
3.  Get the character names correct:  Maria not Mari, Carlo not Carla.
4.  Eight sentences--not 10--eight are required.  This will force you to look long and hard at what you've written to decide what's valuable and what can be removed.  Do not have run-on sentences to fit within the eight sentence guideline--again, get rid of information that is repetitive or not helpful.
5.  Use the semi-colon (;).  This can be used to combine sentences without using a period.  For instance:  Life during this global pandemic has been very strange; people are hoarding household supplies, parents are school teachers, and businesses around the world have closed.  Notice how the two halves of the sentence are similar--the second half builds on the first half.  You could not write:  Life during this global pandemic has been very strange; I saw a full moon last night.  Obviously, these two halves have nothing in common.  Use the semi-colon in your writing to allow for longer sentences BUT do not create a sentence that's really, really long and I have to catch my breath to read the whole thing (run-on).
5.  Quotes are necessary for SOME or all of your ideas and personal life experience is okay too; this means you can have two ideas with quotes and one idea with life experience and no quote.  You CANNOT have all three ideas based on life experience--you must reference the novel.  Transition phrases are very important--use them.
6.  Proofread, proofread, proofread.
-Have someone at home read your work out loud and you listen--you will hear the missing /misused/overused words and catch problems with grammar.  Ask someone at home for thoughts on your paper; they will probably say:  It's good.  Ask them what's good about it.  Make someone tell you what you did well--you would in the classroom so do it at home.
-Send your work to a classmate for review.  Don't worry about someone using your ideas--similar topics have similar ideas so I don't worry about that.  I do get concerned when people have identical phrases, though.  Your classmates have been reading the same book as you and thinking deeply about the same ideas; have them check your paragraph to see if it makes sense.  You would in the classroom so do it at home.
-Send in your paragraphs today.


-We continue learning about Islam.  The following students need to send in their Islamic Expansion homework today:  8M-Dara, Maya, James, JE, Athena, Sesinna, Aiden, Naod, Samuel, Emily and 8B-Israel, Josh, Gabbi, Sara, Nina, Eric, Allycia, Sherah-Mae, Livia.


-We continue learning about Democracy.  The following students need to send in their  Remembrance Day homework today:  Victoria, Enzo, Ethan, Kailee, Cyrus, Khrystle, Johanna, Riel, Tessa, Helena, Zac

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