Friday, 22 May 2020

Good morning everyone.


-Yesterday, I collected I am David chapters 3/4 summary pink questions.
-Today, read chapter 5.  If you're using the hard cover, flag any interesting vocabulary, plot, or style ideas.  If you're using the PDF, make notes where to find these interesting ideas.
-You'll discuss the chapter with your group on Monday and we'll have a whole class Meeting on Tuesday at 1 p.m..  I'll send out invitations on Monday so watch for them.


-Yesterday, I collected homework on the expansion of Islam.  Compare your answers to mine below then scroll down and begin our new topic.

Islam Expansion - Answers

1.  A caliph is a successor of Muhammed.  In general, they conquered new territory for Islam.

2.  Moors are Arab and Berber Muslim tribes who together conquered Spain and set up a learning centre in Cordoba/Cordova.

3.  Conquered people welcomed Islam because they were free to practice their own religion, they liked the strong message and the equity of believers, the shared language, and the laws.

4.  Characteristics of the Muslim civilization/culture include flourishing trade, strong education (universities and learning centres), architecturally interesting mosques and minarets, calligraphy and geometric design, poetry and songs of the prophet, nature, and love.

5.  See historical atlas page

 -Our new topic is about a man named Charlemagne.

-We have learned that after Rome's fall, manorialism and feudalism became part of everyday life in Europe and we learned that a new religion was forming in the Middle East

-We learned that this new religion, Islam, was expanding and conquering lands outside of the Middle East and we know that the Moors conquered Spain.  We read that when Muslims tried to expand into France from Spain, they were stopped by Charles “The Hammer” Martel in 732.  He had several sons and one went on to unite most of western Europe.

-Charlemagne was this son and he became King of the Franks after his father died. 

-read the handout:  Who was Charlemagne?  If you can print, do so and read/highlight the way we do in the classroom.

-Do the following questions; I'll be calling for homework on Monday.


1.  Charlemagne was king of the Franks.  What part of Europe is this (what modern nation makes up the ancient land of the Franks?)?  /1

2.  When he expanded the Frankish empire, what parts of Europe/modern nations did he conquer?  /3

3.  Charlemagne wanted to bring order to his empire.  What did he believe was the key to establishing law and order?  How did he go about achieving this?  /2

4.  How did Charlemagne’s ideas evolve into our modern jury system for the courts?  /3

5.  Why did Pope Leo III want Charlemagne to be Holy Roman Emperor?  How did this happen?  /4

6.  Reflecting on what you learned about Charlemagne, identify a character trait that made him an effective leader.  Explain your thoughts.  /3


-Yesterday, I collected homework on Remembrance Day.  Compare your answers to mine below then scroll down and begin our new topic.

Remembrance Day - Answers

1.  Remembrance Day was first conducted in 1919.

2.  The purpose of the original Remembrance Day was to commemorate or recognize the end of the First World War.

3.  11, 11, 11 represents the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month (November 11 at 11:00 a.m.)

4.  John McCrae is a Canadian surgeon who served during the First World War and he wrote the poem “In Flanders Fields”.

5.  (answers will vary but should include the following)  These lines can be interpreted as McCrae telling the readers to continue the fight with the enemy, because the hands of the soldiers are failing (they are dying) and to hold the torch (of freedom/democracy) high so everyone can see it and know that they will be safe.

6.  (answers will vary)

7.  (answers will vary but should include the following)  This poem is linked to Canadian democracy because we believe that by respecting others and working together, we ALL will have a better life so the poem is saying that too.  The poem tells us to shine the light of democracy and to never give up.

-Our new topic is about Power, Wealth, and Justice.  Today we start learning about how individual nations become powerful (or not), how they become wealthy (or don't) and whether they have justice (or not).
-Think about “power”—what countries and/or individuals do you consider to be powerful?
-Why do you think these countries/people have power?
-For example, I think Canada is powerful.  I think this way because other countries listen to our ideas and respect us, we sell goods to people around the world, and we have rich lives.
- read p. 112

-Complete the following questions; I'll be calling for homework on Monday. 
National Power
1.  Think about world news and global events.  Identify two individuals who influence world affairs—you do not have to choose people in government.  Explain what each of these people does to affect the world.  /4
2.  a)  Where does a nation get its power from?  /3
     b)  Explain how each one contributes to the power of a nation?  /3
3.  How is a democratic leader different from the authoritarian leader?  /2
4.  Identify 5 accomplishments of Pierre Elliot Trudeau.  /5
5.  PET said:  I must follow the people; I am not their leader.  Why does this prove he was a strong democratic leader?  /2
6.  According to what you have learned today, would Canada be classified as a powerful nation?  Explain your thoughts.  /2
7.  What is the connection between Canada’s current prime minister and the past prime minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau?  /1

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