Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Good morning.


-Please send your rough draft pink question today before lunch.  I will spend the afternoon reviewing and returning feedback.  Final drafts are due tomorrow.


-Please find the answers to Intro to Islam below.  Compare your work to what you see here.  Be sure to scroll down to see today's new topic:  Expansion of Islam.


1.  Muhammed was troubled that many Arabs worshipped many deities he reacted by meditating in a cave near Mecca.

2.  Muhammed was inspired when the angel Gabriel appeared to him and told him that there was only one god, that he was all-knowing and all-powerful, that God decided the fates of all people, that good people who believed in God would be rewarded and that  they must submit to God.

3.  Hajj is a pilgrimage people must make to Mecca at least once in their lives.  I think this exists because it shows God that a believer will take on the cost and time to go to a holy place.

4.  (answers will vary)

-In the last few classes, we learned that while manorialism and feudalism were developing in Europe, a man named Muhammed started a new religion in the Middle East

-We’ve seen that this land had been held by the Byzantine Empire and that in a matter of less than 600 years, this new faith controlled much of the territory held by the Byzantines so today we look at how that came to be

-Review Rise of Islam map (coloured)

—note that the dark blue area-Arabia-was controlled by the Muslims at Muhammed’s death in 632 and then note the different coloured areas SO within 120 years as per this map/p. 236 of text, Muslims controlled the lands east of the Mediterranean, northern Africa, and Spain**remember last class when we compared the Byzantine Empire map to p. 236?  Today we see how that happened—it was a progression

-Read the Handout which focusses on that expansion; if you can, print and highlight the way we do in class

-Read text p. 237

-Do the following questions--they are due tomorrow.

Islam Expansion

1.  What is a caliph?  In general, what did they do for Islam?  /2

2.  What are Moors?  /2 

3.  Identify three reasons why conquered people welcomed Islam?  /3

4.  Identify five characteristics of Muslim civilization/culture (think—how do I know this area is controlled by Muslims?  What culture of Muslims do I see?)

5.  Using the black and white Rise of Islam map and the online historical atlas page (beneath the map below), locate with a small circle the following locations:  Jerusalem, Damascus, Mecca, Medina, Constantinople, and Cordoba.  The Holy Land, the land of Jesus’s birth, life, and death, is found in the modern nation of Israel, the Palestine territories, and most southern part of Lebanon—encircle this area.  If you can, print the blank and do the map assignment; if you can't print, study the atlas page.  /6


-Please find the answers to Alternatives to Democracy below; compare your work to mine then scroll down and find today's new topic.


1.  Divine right is the idea that a monarch/king/queen has supreme power over people because God has given that power.

2.  An authoritarian government is one which controls the citizens/has power over citizens but not the support of the citizens.

3.  Three characteristics of an authoritarian government are individual freedom is limited, citizens are subjected to violence, and government officials can do what they want without fearing punishment.

4.  (answers will vary but may include the following) a)  Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan, most European countries b)  Russia, China, Egypt, North Korea, Somalia

5.  (answers will vary)

6.  (answers will vary)

7.  a)   Four ways that democracy is being negatively affected by Covid-19 enhanced surveillance, suspending of rights, control of information, and delaying elections.

b)  (answers will vary)

c)  This phrase means that to have democracy, its cost/price tag, we need to always be watching and monitoring how that democracy is working.  By checking to ensure everyone’s rights are being respected, we make sure that democracy is working—our constant checking is what we have to pay.

-In the last few classes we've been studying democracy and what it looks like in Canada and how it makes our lives better.  Today we'll take what we've learned and take a very specific look at how we use our democracy.

- We learned that rights also have responsibilities and limits—today we focus on what Canada has done to improve the quality of life for people in other countries

-Think about Remembrance Day—why do we have this day?  Why did soldiers do what they did?
-Read p. 130 and pay close attention to the poem by McCrae-it’s one you probably know well.  Complete the questions that follow; they're due tomorrow.

Remembrance Day and Democracy

1.  When was the first Remembrance Day commemorated?  /1

2. What was its purpose?  /1

3.  Explain the significance of the 11 of the 11 of the 11.  /1

4.  Who is John McCrae?  /2

5.  Re-read text p.130, these lines of the poem:  Take up our quarrel with the foe:/To you from failing hands we throw/The torch; be yours to hold it high”  What is McCrae saying here?  /3

6.  Why do you think we teach this poem to Canadian schoolchildren?  /2

7.  What does this poem have to do with Canada’s perspective on democracy?  /2

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