Friday, 29 May 2020

Good morning.

Please make sure that your yearbook information is sent to Ms. Cruse or me, by the end of today.


-Last class you worked on the questions for I am David Chapter 6; I'm collecting homework from the following people:  8M-James, Charlene, Maenign, Ramsen, Kristine, Samuel, Dwayne, Gabrielle, Lucas, Naod and 8B-Morgan, Dominic, Aidan, Munachi, Shaun, Allycia, Sherah-Mae, Livia, Matteo, Nevaeh, Gabbi, and Joel.
-Remember, that whenever you write about literature you should be using TAG.  Keep in mind that a two-point question shouldn't be one sentence; use the point value to guide you in building an answer.  You'll never lose points for lots of information but you'll always lose points for not enough!  Cite text whenever you feel it would better explain your answer/opinion.


-Today is the work class for our Middle Ages lesson on Castles (it was assigned yesterday).  I'll be collecting homework on Monday.


-Last class you worked Globalization; I'm collecting homework from the following people:  Victoria, Kailee, Cyrus, AJ, Owen, Lauren, Riel, Samara, Tessa, and Helena.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Good morning.

Please submit your yearbook write-up as soon as possible.   
I posted a worksheet for it last week; scroll through my entries and find it, print it, fill in the blanks, and then return it to me or Ms. Cruse. 
 If you can't print it, write the answers on loose-leaf  and send it in.

Please remember that if you require a one-on-one meeting with me or a different teacher, 
you must make that appointment before the end of this week.  
Teachers are only coming in for appointments; so if you just show up, 
the teacher you want to see probably won't be in.  Make a plan.

Grade 8 Students--The ELA homework I'm assigning is due tomorrow 
and the SS homework is due on Monday.


-Yesterday you read chapter 6 of I am David and we met a new character who shared an interesting story with David.  Do the questions below; I'll be collecting them tomorrow.

Chapter 6 Summary
1.  Describe the imagery of the church that David enters.  Remember, imagery means details that you can see, smell, taste, hear, and touch.   /2
2.  a)  The church's priest has been praying to Saint Christopher.  Explain why that is an interesting coincidence.  (Hint--who is St. Christopher?)  /2
b)  What does David think about the priest's ideas about there being only one god?  /2
3.  On p. 136/137 of the hard copy and p. 132/133 of the PDF, David has decided that life is no longer worth living because he remembers and realizes something.  What is it?  Why doesn't he want to live anymore?  What is the purpose of his prayer?  /3
4.  David meets Signora Bang.  Why does he like her?  /1
5.  David discovers a photo album and focusses on a photo of Signora Bang's friend.  Re-tell the friend's story.  /5
6.  What would you infer/predict about Signora Bang's friend?  What would you infer/predict about the man?  /2
7.  Identify style in the chapter.  Identify the fig. lang./lit. device, cite text, and explain why it is useful to the story.  DO NOT define it--explain why it makes the story more interesting!  /3
8.  Consider updating your Character Relationship Web and Character Traits Charts.


-Yesterday you sent me the answers to the Religion topic.  Compare your work to the answers below then scroll down for today's new topic.

Religion - Answers

1.  Religion gave people a purpose/a reason for getting up in the morning and a sense of hope because life was very hard during this time.

2.  To participate in their faith, people would go to mass regularly, show charity to others, and participate in the sacraments.    

3.  a)  A monk is a man who has dedicated himself to God and who will live to serve the community in poverty, chastity, and obedience.  b)  Monasteries were places people go to for medical help, travellers went for a place to stay, and they were places of learning.

4.  a)  A nun is a woman who has dedicated herself to God and who will live to serve the community in poverty, chastity, and obedience.  b)  Convents were places were nuns cared for orphans, the sick, and the homeless.

5.  Religious life gave women power because they acted as hospitals meaning the nuns were educated OR because abbesses could rule over manors and serfs meaning they controlled the lives of many, sometimes even defence forces.

6.  Excommunication means to be banished or kicked out of the church.  It was very bad because people couldn’t participate in the sacraments and would never get a chance to get to heaven.

7.  (answers will vary)
8.  (answers will vary)

--we have a pretty good idea now about what Europe looked like from a government and military perspective, now we want to look at what everyday life was like

-most of us are familiar with fairy tales of castles and knights in armour fighting dragons—that’s where we start today—can you name any famous castles?  

-let’s watch a short video which will show us the difference--copy this address into your browser

-now let’s look for more specific information

-read text p. 224-225

-now we know that castles would have held knights so let’s learn more about them

-read text p. 221

-do the following questions; they'll be due Monday

Castles and Knights

1.  Differentiate between a castle and a palace.  /2

2.  Motte and bailey castles are made up of three distinct parts.  Define each of the following terms:  motte, bailey, and keep.  /3

3.  Explain how trebuchets/mangonels were used.  What difficulty or negative do you see with using these weapons during an attack on a castle?  /2

4.  What is a knight?  What was expected of him?  /2

5.  Define apprenticeship. /1

6.  Identify the two stages of apprenticeship for a knight.  Explain three characteristics of what someone had to do while in each stage.    /3


-Yesterday I posted the "answer key" the worksheet you worked on Tuesday.  I did not collect homework.  I asked you to review the answer key to learn how individuals, groups and nations can use their power

- we now have a good idea of how individuals like Beyonce, groups like the UN, or countries like Canada get power and use it

-we now want to take a look at how this looks around the world

-you probably know that there have been many technological changes in recent years and this means that the time it takes to travel from one place in the world to another has become shorter and shorter, and more people are moving from place to place

-all of us share the earth and we are coming together and sharing similar experiences; this is called globalization.

-read the handout Globalization

-as you can see as we share experiences with people around the world, our connections with them grows

-our closeness to the United States means we have lots in common with them and the fact that Mexico shares a border with the United States and the three countries share a continent would mean that we probably trade a lot with each other
-thinking about these three countries, some things grow in Mexico that don’t grow here and we want those things—for instance, Mexican tropical fruits—we are a powerful country and can buy easily from less powerful countries because they want the trade so this leads to a new topic: Fair Trade—read the excerpt from your textbook called Fair Trade--you only need to read the bottom of page 116 and the top of 117 (Fair Trade paragraphs)

-complete the following questions; they'll be due tomorrow.

1.   Define globalization.  /1
2.  Explain how free trade works.  /1
3.  Look for evidence of globalization in your home.  Look at the labels and packaging of various items in your kitchen, laundry room, bathroom, and bedroom closets.  Identify three items and the country where each was made.  Your goal is to find three objects from three different countries.  /3
4.  In your opinion, identify one reason that globalization is a good thing.  Tell me why.  /2
5.  Imagine you are a student from a less-developed country.  Identify one reason that globalization is a good thing.  Tell me why.  /2
6.  Identify a problem that globalization causes and tell me why it’s bad.  /2
7.  What is fairtrade?  /1
8.  Go to the Fairtrade website (
and learn about workers for several different products.  Choose one product (tea, wine, bananas, etc.)  and identify two facts you learned about the item and two facts about how Fairtrade makes it better.  /4

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Good morning.

Please see the school website for information about school re-opening on June 1st.

Be aware that it is not for regular classes or a chance to come to school to visit.  

Grade 7 and 8 students are able to come in on Wednesdays to spend time with a specific teacher.  
You must make an appointment, by email, with the teacher you want to see--do not contact the office. If you have had difficulty learning at home or if you need time at school with your teacher to understand big concepts you've been struggling with, I invite you to contact a teacher for a time.  
It will be on Wednesday afternoon for grade 8 and the morning is for grade 7.

I will no longer accept late work.  Submit your work on the day it's due otherwise I will consider it incomplete; some of you wait until I post the answers then submit it.  
Check the blog daily and submit your work on the due date.

The following people haven't yet submitted their yearbook write-ups.  
Please do so today; Ms. Cruse is waiting for them.

8B                                                              8M
Athaniel                                                         James
Israel                                                         Iris
Theodore                                                 Naod
Eric                                                            Roman
Naod                                                         Emily
Joel J                                                         Ramsen
Aidan                                                        Kristine
Dominic                                                    Lucas                                               
Munachi                                                   Sessina
Allycia                                                       Aiden


-Yesterday, I collected homework for chapter 5.  Please compare yours to the answers below.  Then scroll down to see today's assignment.

Chapter 5 Summary
1.  (answers will vary)
2.  In the historical fiction I am David by Anne Holm, when the children want to play prisoner, David refuses.  He does this because he feels that no one has a right over another person and that it is a terrible and evil thing.
3.  (answers will vary)
4.  a)   In the historical fiction I am David by Anne Holm, the children's mother is wary or suspicious of David because he knows things children should not and/or because of the way David treats Carlo
b)   In the historical fiction I am David by Anne Holm, the children's father respects or likes David because he stands his ground, keeps his word, and/or is well-mannered and kind.
5.   In the historical fiction I am David by Anne Holm, David leaves Maria's home because he is afraid that the parents will call them or he feels that "something is amiss"/that he doesn't belong and he can't change that.  He feels confident/brave in his decision and that he'll be safe or he feels scared because he doesn't want to get caught and wants to stay free.
6.  (answers will vary)

-Read Chapter 6; I'll be assigning questions tomorrow.


-Yesterday, I assigned questions on Religion during the Middle Ages.  The following people need to send in their homework today.  8M-James, Roman, Emily, Maenign, Quentin, Ramsen, Kristine, Samuel, Lucas and 8B-Theodore, Joel, Aidan, Munachi, Shaun, Allycia, Livia, Matteo, Nevaeh.


-Yesterday, we learned about power in the family and the power of individuals, groups, and nations.  Your assignment was to complete a chart.  I am not collecting homework today; instead, please compare your work to the answer key below.  I will assign a new topic tomorrow.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Good morning.

You may be aware that schools are opening June 1st.  
Please watch this blog and the school's homepage for more details.  
We are having a staff meeting this morning so I will have more details for you then.

On another note, it was pointed out to me that some of you have sent work to a cmonro address.  
This is not correct.  THAT address is tied to the Meetings we do so I rarely check it.  
Please use the cmunro@ address; 
it is on the school website and will always get to me.


-Yesterday, you worked on the questions for chapter 5 of I am David.  The following people need to send their homework today:  8M-Naod, Aiden, Sesinna, Athena, Lucas, Gabrielle, Emily, James and 8B-Gabbi, Alyssa, Sara, Nina, Anna, Aidan, Morgan.


-I collected homework yesterday on Charlemagne.  Please compare yours to the answers posted below then scroll down for today's topic.

Charlemagne Answers

1.  France was the ancient land of the Franks.

2.  When Charlemagne expanded his empire, he conquered Germany, Italy, and parts of Spain.

3.  Charlemagne believed education/the ability to read and write was the key to having law and order in the empire.  He tried to achieve this by turning his palace into a school.

4.  Charlemagne affected our modern jury system because in those days people would have to prove their innocence by ordeal (how well they healed after suffering a physical injury) or by hiring a fighter (which means that your innocence was based on how much you could afford).  Charlemagne started a system with honourable men who would listen and make a judgement based on evidence.

5.  Pope Leo wanted Charlemagne to be Holy Roman Emperor because he wanted the church in charge not a king so he played a trick by placing a crown on Charlemagne’s head while his eyes were closed in prayer.  Then Pope Leo announced that Charlemagne was the Holy Roman Emperor and Charlemagne couldn’t back out of THAT.

6.  (answers will vary)


-before we start our new topic, think about how we’ve seen Europe evolve after the fall of Roman empire and in that time a new way of life emerged

-today we’re exploring how Christianity grew during this time; from the disciples at Pentecost to Constantine to Charlemagne

-read p. 234 and 235—think about how this information is the same or different from today’s Catholic church

-read p. 235 (Law and Justice, Medieval Style) and do the following questions--they're due tomorrow

Religion in the Middle Ages

1.  What did religion offer people of the time?  /2

2.  What did people do to participate in their faith?  /3

3.  a)  What is a monk?  /1  b)  What did monasteries do for a community?  /3

4.  a)  What is a nun?  /1  b)  What did convents do for a community?  /3

5.  How did religious life give woman power?

6.  a)  Define, in kid-friendly language, excommunication.  B)  Why was it so bad to be excommunicated?  Be specific.  /3

7.  Explain in one way how the Catholic church affects our modern world?  /2

8.  Thinking about law and justice, medieval style, why would this kind of legal system not work today?  /2


-Yesterday, I collected homework on national power.  Please compare yours to the answers posted below then scroll down for today's topic.

National Power Answers

1.  (answers will vary)

2.  a)  A nation gets its power from natural resources (water, fertile soil, minerals, etc.), its people (large number and educated), and its political system (democracy).

b)  Natural resources give a country things to sell to make money, many, educated people will invent things and make smart choices for a healthy society, a democratic system helps people be loyal to the government and they’ll be happy so will be willing to work hard to improve the nation.

3.  A democratic leader is dependent on the happiness of the people whereas an authoritarian leader doesn’t care about the people and rules harshly.

4.  Five accomplishments of PET are:

-he was a lawyer

-he championed/worked hard for the rights of workers

-he founded a newspaper which advocated/spoke up for social justice in Quebec

-he made sure that bilingualism was protected in Canada

-he made sure that all Canadians had access to energy sources (National Energy Program)

5.  This phrase proves PET was a democratic leader because he said that he must follow the people, that he must do as the people want.  This means that he listens to them; the people rule and that’s what democracy is all about.

6.  (answers will vary)

7.  Our current prime minister is Justin Trudeau; he is the son of PET.

-for our new topic think about the people and organizations in your life that have power over you
- continuing our learning on power—yesterday we focussed on the power of a nation and today we’re going to focus on powerful people who have nothing to do with government
- is there someone who has power over you?  Why?  How?
- read text p. 113

- review the Sources of Power handout-notice there are three columns—think of powerful individuals, powerful groups, and powerful countries in the world.  Have those ideas in your head THEN move down the rows of the chart.  Where do individuals get their power from?  Where do groups get their power from?  Where do nations get their power from?  Then provide me with examples of a powerful individual, group, and country.  Continue down the chart and tell me how powerful individuals use their power in a positive way, how does a group use their power in a positive way, and how does a country use their power in a positive way.  Complete the chart.  For the very last row, Is power distributed equally in the world? You won’t be doing it in a group but think about the answer.  Do you think everyone, everywhere has the equal amount of power?  Explain your thoughts in the space provided (it’s okay if you overflow a little into the bottom margin).
-Let’s do one together.  I will do the Individuals column.  So, I’m writing down Beyonce as an example of a powerful individual and I think the source of her power/the thing that makes her powerful is a great voice.  I think an example of her positive use of power is when she writes songs about girl power and girls being strong.  I think an example of her negative use of power is when she wears very sexy, revealing clothing.  I think a tool to prevent abuse of power would be parents teaching their daughters that they don’t have to dress sexy to be strong and powerful—teaching self-confidence.
-Now, using my example, you complete the chart for powerful individuals, groups, and nations.  You may not repeat any ideas between boxes.  This chart is today's homework; it's due tomorrow.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Good morning everyone.

Please send in your yearbook information to Ms. Cruse--she needed it by Friday--get it done today!


-Last class you read chapter 5 and I said that we'd be having meetings this week.  I have taken a look at the calendar and figure that I have about three weeks of teaching left so I'm changing the format of the novel study.  There are NO MEETINGS this week but I still encourage you to talk to your groupmates, or other classmates, about the chapter.  Like we would in the classroom, have the conversation about plot details, style, character development, and vocabulary.  I will be assigning chapter questions and collecting homework instead of a pink question every two chapters.
-Find below the questions for chapter 5.  I'll be calling for homework tomorrow.  Remember:  when I call for YOUR homework, it should be unique and distinct; it should not look like anyone else's work.

I am David-Chapter 5 Summary
1.  David's hatred for Carlo is intense.  What do you think of David's attitude toward Carlo?  Explain your thoughts.  /2
2.  What is David's reaction when the children want to play prisoner?  Why?  /2
3.  We learn that the man had been giving David milk and vitamins for as long as David can remember.  Make a prediction:  Why do you think that the man did this?  No one else got milk and vitamins, so why does David get this special treatment?  Why milk?  Why vitamins?  /2
4.  a)  How does the children's mother feel towards David?  Why?  /2
b)  How does the children's father feel towards David?  Why?  /2
5.  Why does David leave Maria's home?  How does he feel about this decision?   /2
6.  Identify evidence of style (figurative language/literary device).  Cite text and explain why it is useful to the story.  /3
7.  Consider updating your Character Relationship Web and Character Trait Chart.  (These will be due at the end of the novel--update them as you see fit).


-Last class we learned about Charlemagne and the idea of combining religion with government.  The following people need to send in their homework today:  8M-Jayson, Charlene, Iris, Roman, Emily, Dwayne, Marvic, Gabrielle, Lucas and 8B-Athaniel, Theodore, Josh, Alyssa, Anna, Aidan, Morgan, Matteo, Nevaeh.


-Last class we learned about national power and a past Canadian prime minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau.  The following people need to send in their homework today:  Kailee, Riley, Chimdi, Feven, Lola, Catherine, Owen, Luciana, Deion, Auriel, Ava.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Good morning everyone.


-Yesterday, I collected I am David chapters 3/4 summary pink questions.
-Today, read chapter 5.  If you're using the hard cover, flag any interesting vocabulary, plot, or style ideas.  If you're using the PDF, make notes where to find these interesting ideas.
-You'll discuss the chapter with your group on Monday and we'll have a whole class Meeting on Tuesday at 1 p.m..  I'll send out invitations on Monday so watch for them.


-Yesterday, I collected homework on the expansion of Islam.  Compare your answers to mine below then scroll down and begin our new topic.

Islam Expansion - Answers

1.  A caliph is a successor of Muhammed.  In general, they conquered new territory for Islam.

2.  Moors are Arab and Berber Muslim tribes who together conquered Spain and set up a learning centre in Cordoba/Cordova.

3.  Conquered people welcomed Islam because they were free to practice their own religion, they liked the strong message and the equity of believers, the shared language, and the laws.

4.  Characteristics of the Muslim civilization/culture include flourishing trade, strong education (universities and learning centres), architecturally interesting mosques and minarets, calligraphy and geometric design, poetry and songs of the prophet, nature, and love.

5.  See historical atlas page

 -Our new topic is about a man named Charlemagne.

-We have learned that after Rome's fall, manorialism and feudalism became part of everyday life in Europe and we learned that a new religion was forming in the Middle East

-We learned that this new religion, Islam, was expanding and conquering lands outside of the Middle East and we know that the Moors conquered Spain.  We read that when Muslims tried to expand into France from Spain, they were stopped by Charles “The Hammer” Martel in 732.  He had several sons and one went on to unite most of western Europe.

-Charlemagne was this son and he became King of the Franks after his father died. 

-read the handout:  Who was Charlemagne?  If you can print, do so and read/highlight the way we do in the classroom.

-Do the following questions; I'll be calling for homework on Monday.


1.  Charlemagne was king of the Franks.  What part of Europe is this (what modern nation makes up the ancient land of the Franks?)?  /1

2.  When he expanded the Frankish empire, what parts of Europe/modern nations did he conquer?  /3

3.  Charlemagne wanted to bring order to his empire.  What did he believe was the key to establishing law and order?  How did he go about achieving this?  /2

4.  How did Charlemagne’s ideas evolve into our modern jury system for the courts?  /3

5.  Why did Pope Leo III want Charlemagne to be Holy Roman Emperor?  How did this happen?  /4

6.  Reflecting on what you learned about Charlemagne, identify a character trait that made him an effective leader.  Explain your thoughts.  /3


-Yesterday, I collected homework on Remembrance Day.  Compare your answers to mine below then scroll down and begin our new topic.

Remembrance Day - Answers

1.  Remembrance Day was first conducted in 1919.

2.  The purpose of the original Remembrance Day was to commemorate or recognize the end of the First World War.

3.  11, 11, 11 represents the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month (November 11 at 11:00 a.m.)

4.  John McCrae is a Canadian surgeon who served during the First World War and he wrote the poem “In Flanders Fields”.

5.  (answers will vary but should include the following)  These lines can be interpreted as McCrae telling the readers to continue the fight with the enemy, because the hands of the soldiers are failing (they are dying) and to hold the torch (of freedom/democracy) high so everyone can see it and know that they will be safe.

6.  (answers will vary)

7.  (answers will vary but should include the following)  This poem is linked to Canadian democracy because we believe that by respecting others and working together, we ALL will have a better life so the poem is saying that too.  The poem tells us to shine the light of democracy and to never give up.

-Our new topic is about Power, Wealth, and Justice.  Today we start learning about how individual nations become powerful (or not), how they become wealthy (or don't) and whether they have justice (or not).
-Think about “power”—what countries and/or individuals do you consider to be powerful?
-Why do you think these countries/people have power?
-For example, I think Canada is powerful.  I think this way because other countries listen to our ideas and respect us, we sell goods to people around the world, and we have rich lives.
- read p. 112

-Complete the following questions; I'll be calling for homework on Monday. 
National Power
1.  Think about world news and global events.  Identify two individuals who influence world affairs—you do not have to choose people in government.  Explain what each of these people does to affect the world.  /4
2.  a)  Where does a nation get its power from?  /3
     b)  Explain how each one contributes to the power of a nation?  /3
3.  How is a democratic leader different from the authoritarian leader?  /2
4.  Identify 5 accomplishments of Pierre Elliot Trudeau.  /5
5.  PET said:  I must follow the people; I am not their leader.  Why does this prove he was a strong democratic leader?  /2
6.  According to what you have learned today, would Canada be classified as a powerful nation?  Explain your thoughts.  /2
7.  What is the connection between Canada’s current prime minister and the past prime minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau?  /1

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Good morning.


-Pink questions are due today so I want to give you some things to think about and reminders.
1.  If you refer to someone who believes in Christ, you need a capital C as in Christian.
2.  Title bars with INTERESTING and UNIQUE titles are necessary.
3.  Get the character names correct:  Maria not Mari, Carlo not Carla.
4.  Eight sentences--not 10--eight are required.  This will force you to look long and hard at what you've written to decide what's valuable and what can be removed.  Do not have run-on sentences to fit within the eight sentence guideline--again, get rid of information that is repetitive or not helpful.
5.  Use the semi-colon (;).  This can be used to combine sentences without using a period.  For instance:  Life during this global pandemic has been very strange; people are hoarding household supplies, parents are school teachers, and businesses around the world have closed.  Notice how the two halves of the sentence are similar--the second half builds on the first half.  You could not write:  Life during this global pandemic has been very strange; I saw a full moon last night.  Obviously, these two halves have nothing in common.  Use the semi-colon in your writing to allow for longer sentences BUT do not create a sentence that's really, really long and I have to catch my breath to read the whole thing (run-on).
5.  Quotes are necessary for SOME or all of your ideas and personal life experience is okay too; this means you can have two ideas with quotes and one idea with life experience and no quote.  You CANNOT have all three ideas based on life experience--you must reference the novel.  Transition phrases are very important--use them.
6.  Proofread, proofread, proofread.
-Have someone at home read your work out loud and you listen--you will hear the missing /misused/overused words and catch problems with grammar.  Ask someone at home for thoughts on your paper; they will probably say:  It's good.  Ask them what's good about it.  Make someone tell you what you did well--you would in the classroom so do it at home.
-Send your work to a classmate for review.  Don't worry about someone using your ideas--similar topics have similar ideas so I don't worry about that.  I do get concerned when people have identical phrases, though.  Your classmates have been reading the same book as you and thinking deeply about the same ideas; have them check your paragraph to see if it makes sense.  You would in the classroom so do it at home.
-Send in your paragraphs today.


-We continue learning about Islam.  The following students need to send in their Islamic Expansion homework today:  8M-Dara, Maya, James, JE, Athena, Sesinna, Aiden, Naod, Samuel, Emily and 8B-Israel, Josh, Gabbi, Sara, Nina, Eric, Allycia, Sherah-Mae, Livia.


-We continue learning about Democracy.  The following students need to send in their  Remembrance Day homework today:  Victoria, Enzo, Ethan, Kailee, Cyrus, Khrystle, Johanna, Riel, Tessa, Helena, Zac

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Good morning.


-Please send your rough draft pink question today before lunch.  I will spend the afternoon reviewing and returning feedback.  Final drafts are due tomorrow.


-Please find the answers to Intro to Islam below.  Compare your work to what you see here.  Be sure to scroll down to see today's new topic:  Expansion of Islam.


1.  Muhammed was troubled that many Arabs worshipped many deities he reacted by meditating in a cave near Mecca.

2.  Muhammed was inspired when the angel Gabriel appeared to him and told him that there was only one god, that he was all-knowing and all-powerful, that God decided the fates of all people, that good people who believed in God would be rewarded and that  they must submit to God.

3.  Hajj is a pilgrimage people must make to Mecca at least once in their lives.  I think this exists because it shows God that a believer will take on the cost and time to go to a holy place.

4.  (answers will vary)

-In the last few classes, we learned that while manorialism and feudalism were developing in Europe, a man named Muhammed started a new religion in the Middle East

-We’ve seen that this land had been held by the Byzantine Empire and that in a matter of less than 600 years, this new faith controlled much of the territory held by the Byzantines so today we look at how that came to be

-Review Rise of Islam map (coloured)

—note that the dark blue area-Arabia-was controlled by the Muslims at Muhammed’s death in 632 and then note the different coloured areas SO within 120 years as per this map/p. 236 of text, Muslims controlled the lands east of the Mediterranean, northern Africa, and Spain**remember last class when we compared the Byzantine Empire map to p. 236?  Today we see how that happened—it was a progression

-Read the Handout which focusses on that expansion; if you can, print and highlight the way we do in class

-Read text p. 237

-Do the following questions--they are due tomorrow.

Islam Expansion

1.  What is a caliph?  In general, what did they do for Islam?  /2

2.  What are Moors?  /2 

3.  Identify three reasons why conquered people welcomed Islam?  /3

4.  Identify five characteristics of Muslim civilization/culture (think—how do I know this area is controlled by Muslims?  What culture of Muslims do I see?)

5.  Using the black and white Rise of Islam map and the online historical atlas page (beneath the map below), locate with a small circle the following locations:  Jerusalem, Damascus, Mecca, Medina, Constantinople, and Cordoba.  The Holy Land, the land of Jesus’s birth, life, and death, is found in the modern nation of Israel, the Palestine territories, and most southern part of Lebanon—encircle this area.  If you can, print the blank and do the map assignment; if you can't print, study the atlas page.  /6


-Please find the answers to Alternatives to Democracy below; compare your work to mine then scroll down and find today's new topic.


1.  Divine right is the idea that a monarch/king/queen has supreme power over people because God has given that power.

2.  An authoritarian government is one which controls the citizens/has power over citizens but not the support of the citizens.

3.  Three characteristics of an authoritarian government are individual freedom is limited, citizens are subjected to violence, and government officials can do what they want without fearing punishment.

4.  (answers will vary but may include the following) a)  Australia, New Zealand, India, Japan, most European countries b)  Russia, China, Egypt, North Korea, Somalia

5.  (answers will vary)

6.  (answers will vary)

7.  a)   Four ways that democracy is being negatively affected by Covid-19 enhanced surveillance, suspending of rights, control of information, and delaying elections.

b)  (answers will vary)

c)  This phrase means that to have democracy, its cost/price tag, we need to always be watching and monitoring how that democracy is working.  By checking to ensure everyone’s rights are being respected, we make sure that democracy is working—our constant checking is what we have to pay.

-In the last few classes we've been studying democracy and what it looks like in Canada and how it makes our lives better.  Today we'll take what we've learned and take a very specific look at how we use our democracy.

- We learned that rights also have responsibilities and limits—today we focus on what Canada has done to improve the quality of life for people in other countries

-Think about Remembrance Day—why do we have this day?  Why did soldiers do what they did?
-Read p. 130 and pay close attention to the poem by McCrae-it’s one you probably know well.  Complete the questions that follow; they're due tomorrow.

Remembrance Day and Democracy

1.  When was the first Remembrance Day commemorated?  /1

2. What was its purpose?  /1

3.  Explain the significance of the 11 of the 11 of the 11.  /1

4.  Who is John McCrae?  /2

5.  Re-read text p.130, these lines of the poem:  Take up our quarrel with the foe:/To you from failing hands we throw/The torch; be yours to hold it high”  What is McCrae saying here?  /3

6.  Why do you think we teach this poem to Canadian schoolchildren?  /2

7.  What does this poem have to do with Canada’s perspective on democracy?  /2