Thursday, 19 March 2020

Good morning. 
The sun is shining and it's the first day of spring.  Spend some time outside; walk the dog, play in the yard, or soak up some of that vitamin D.

Please do not send me your completed homework unless I call your name.  
As discussed in class, when I do assign homework and it's due the next day, 
I will post the names of people who need to submit it.  
I will post the answers the following day.

If your name is called to submit homework and you do not send it, parents will be notified.  
You must treat this situation as "school at home"; 
if it's expected to be done in the classroom, it's expected to be done at home.

-Reading-Be sure to read your 40 minutes to an hour today.  TOMORROW send me an email with the title and pages read of any book you finished and/or the title and pages so far of the book you're working on.
-"The Sniper" questions are due today.  The following people need to send me their homework today:  8M-Dara, JE, Iris, Maenign, Kristine, Marvic, Athena and 8B-Israel, Josh, Sara, Aidan, Munachi, Livia.  Answers will be posted tomorrow.

-Roman Military-we understand that the Roman Republic was a time of democracy and that the Roman Empire was a time of dictators/emperors.  This "empire" was built with the strength of a powerful military,
-Useful Latin Phrases-audaces fortuna iuvat (pronounced like aww-dock-ess for-tuna you-vat) translates to "fortune favours the bold"
-read p. CL (The Roman Army) and CLI (Hannibal's Expedition)
-update your Who's Who and Date Chart
-to the following questions:
Roman Military
1.  Why is today's Useful Latin Phrase appropriate for today's topic?  /1
2.  Identify three criteria (things you had to be or have) for being part of the Roman military.  /3
3.  What are auxiliary troops?  Why do you think they were forbidden from serving in their homelands?  /3
4.  What is a centurion?  What is a legion?  /2
5.  Who is Hannibal?  Why did he decide to attack Rome by land, from the north?  /2
6.  Why do you think Hannibal was unsuccessful?  /2

-Universal Declaration of Human Rights" questions are due today.  The following people need to send me their homework today:  Angelica, Helena, AJ, Victoria, Lauren, Julie, Ethan, Owen.  If you have already submitted, please DO NOT send it again.  Answers will be posted tomorrow.

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