Monday, 19 October 2020

 8ELA-We're working on non-fiction writing projects this week.  Today we peer conferenced with our first draft and learned a lot about what we need to work on tonight.  HOMEWORK:  SECOND DRAFTS OF NON-FICTION ARTICLES.  STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO BRING THEIR OWN LAPTOPS FOR THIS PROJECT BUT THEY ARE ENTIRELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM--THE SCHOOL IS NOT REQUIRING THEM NOR WILL THE SCHOOL BE HELD LIABLE FOR THEM.  

8SS-We continue learning about Neolithic times and the transition from hunter-gatherers to farmers.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-I returned tests and reviewed the answer key.  HOMEWORK:  GET TESTS SIGNED.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

 Sorry for the delay in posting--we've had some trouble with the internet.

8ELA-We've been reading non-fiction articles and learning about author's purpose.  With that, we've been studying how each type of article has been structured.  Today, I introduced the first writing workshop (we'll be writing non-fiction articles).  HOMEWORK:  READING JOURNALS DUE TOMORROW, NON-FICTION ARTICLE ROUGH DRAFTS DUE MONDAY**REFER TO MENTOR TEXTS AND ELA BINDER NOTES!**

8SS-We're learning about the Stone Age and the earliest humans.  HOMEWORK:  PALEO AND MESO TIMES Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We've started learning world geography so we're learning about topography and lakes and rivers.  HOMEWORK:  NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICAL GEOGRAPHY WORKSHEETS DUE TOMORROW.

Friday, 2 October 2020

 8ELA-I collected Journals today and returned homework.  I collected "If World Leaders Choose..." and we corrected it as a class.  We also had reading class.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-We had our Time quiz. NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We finished correcting map projections.  I made a test outline and addressed student concerns about the Unit 1 Test.  HOMEWORK:  TEST MONDAY.

Thursday, 1 October 2020

 A Busy Day for Everyone!

8ELA-We had our daily reading period then moved on to a work period for the article "If the World Leaders ..."  HOMEWORK:  JOURNALS AND "IF THE WORLD LEADERS" Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We corrected a Measuring Time worksheet and moved on to learning about the Greek words that form the basis of many history-related words.  HOMEWORK:  PUTTING WORDS TOGETHER AND TIME QUIZ TOMORROW.

7SS-We corrected questions discussing/comparing maps and globes then moved on to learning three different map projections.  HOMEWORK:  COMPARING MAP PROJECTIONS WORKSHEET DUE TOMORROW AND QUIZ IS POSTPONED UNTIL MONDAY.