Tuesday, 29 September 2020

 8ELA-We had our reading class and then I collected the homework assignment for "The Mighty Mekong".  We marked our writing and discussed ways to make it better.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-We finished discussing the topic of world view and talked about how each of us think the way we do.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We corrected our last time worksheet and moved onto map projections.  NO HOMEWORK.

Monday, 28 September 2020

 8ELA-We finished reading "The Mighty Mekong", annotating along the way.  We copied six questions from the board.  HOMEWORK:  "THE MIGHTY MEKONG" Q.1-6 DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We corrected/made notes on Primary and Secondary Sources and started reading about world view.  NO HOMEWORK.

Vaccinations will take place tomorrow.

Friday, 25 September 2020

 8ELA/SS-The 8B class got into the library today and that was great.  We spent a few periods outside today participating in a Terry Fox day.  It was wonderful to get outside and enjoy the beautiful fall weather!  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We continue learning about Time.  We worked on the Time in Canada worksheet and p. 63.  We started learning the difference between globes and maps, particularly the pros and cons of each.  HOMEWORK:  TIME WORKSHEETS.

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

 8ELA-We reviewed our work on a non-fiction article by Julia Hettiger about white grizzly bears.  We started a new article "The Mighty Mekong" by Adam McCulloch.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-We finished reading about primary and secondary sources so moved on to transferring our learning onto a graphic organizer/worksheet.  HOMEWORK:  PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SOURCES COMPARE AND CONTRAST.

7SS-We are learning about time and time zones.  NO HOMEWORK.

Monday, 21 September 2020

 8ELA-We continue learning non-fiction and today, 8M learned about annotating (8B did this lesson on Friday).  We created a legend and read the article "Gorgeous Rare White Grizzly Bears..." by Julie Hettiger.  HOMEWORK:  8M ONLY-FINISH ANNOTATING THE ARTICLE.  8B MISSED CLASS TODAY DUE TO MASS.

8SS-I collected homework on Talking about History. We spent our class today sharing our ideas with classmates and making notes.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We corrected the latitude and longitude worksheet for Canada and continued our practice.  HOMEWORK:  MAP 17-EASTERN HEMISPHERE DUE TOMORROW.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

8ELA-We finished our Writers Toolbox activities with reviewing the facets of a textbook.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-We spent some time reviewing the structure of our textbook; we focussed on the table of contents, glossary, and index via a worksheet.  HOMEWORK:  8M ONLY-INDEX SIDE OF THE WORKSHEET DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We continued learning about latitude and longitude.  We corrected p. 57 and started working on the Canada coordinates.  HOMEWORK:  LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE CANADA LOCATIONS WORKSHEET.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

8ELA/SS-We continued building a Writer's Notebook.  Our focus today was to build notes for Compare & Contrast, Order & Sequence, Problem & Solution, and Cause & Effect.  HOMEWORK:  FINISH CAUSE AND EFFECT TOOL.

7SS-We continued learning about latitude and longitude with worksheet page 56 which was started in yesterday's class.  We then moved on to continuing this learning using a map of the eastern hemisphere.  HOMEWORK:  WORKSHEET P. 57 (EASTERN HEMISPHERE) DUE TOMORROW.


Several students haven't yet turned in their school supplies (paper/tissue/wipes/sanitizer).  

Please do this as soon as possible.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

A Busy Week
8ELA/SS - We're using our classes to build a Writer's Notebook; it's filled with manipulatives and interactive notes to learn and study how writers write.  Today we finished our Hurricane Katrina activity--this saw us thinking about how to read non-fiction with the purpose of writing a summary.  We annotated, completed a summarizing worksheet, then wrote the summary.  We reviewed WHY writers write (PIEED) and started learning HOW they write.  We did an activity with Description and started one with Compare and Contrast.  HOMEWORK:  8B needs to finish transferring their information from the article to their Compare and Contrast tool.

7SS - We are learning about latitude and longitude and spent time today learning co-ordinates.  We started a worksheet plotting the N/S/W/E on a global map and will continue with it tomorrow.  NO HOMEWORK.

Tuesday, 8 September 2020


 Hello everyone and welcome to the 2020-2021 school year; what a year it will be!

Please check this site daily; it's an important habit to build, especially when you've missed class.  On this page, I will document what was done during the day.  This page will not contain lessons or handouts.

I'm looking forward to a great year!