Friday, 4 October 2019

8ELA-8B did the #4 spelling test then proceeded to Booktalks.  8M will do their test on Monday and finish their Booktalks.  HOMEWORK:  POEMS DUE MONDAY.

8SS-We did our unit one test.  NO HOMEWORK.

Harvesting for Hygiene
Please remember to bring an extra hygiene item to school next week.  
We'll be collecting Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  Everything we collect will be delivered to the
Holy Cross Parish Food Bank.

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

8ELA-We corrected spelling #4 and had our Reading period.  8M continued with a writing period.  We are working on enhancing Word Choice and Voice in our work.  HOMEWORK:  SECOND DRAFT POEMS, SPELLING TEST FRIDAY, BOOK TALKS FRIDAY.

8SS-8B corrected Neolithic Times.  Both classes received a test outline and had some test prep time; many worked on revising notes and making cue cards for studying.  HOMEWORK:  EARLY TIMES TEST FRIDAY.

7SS-We reviewed our progress on the Harvesting for Hygiene campaign (see the letter I sent home on Monday for more information) then moved on to practicing time zones.  HOMEWORK:  TIME ZONES PRACTICE, WEEKLY UPDATES WILL BE PRESENTED ON MONDAY, UNIT 1 TEST WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9.

The 7RC class is starting a campaign to collect hygiene items for the Holy Cross Parish Food Bank.  We'll be collected toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, floss, shampoo, etc for the Harvesting for Hygiene drive.  Please be generous and help us collect these necessary, yet often overlooked items.  We'll be collecting next week, Oct 7, 8, and 9.

Monday, 30 September 2019

8ELA-8M did last week's spelling test.  Both classes started a new unit in spelling then  proceeded to review the writing trait of voice.  Focussing on voice and word choice, students will write a poem.  We also had Reading.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING DUE WEDNESDAY, CREATURE POEMS-FIRST DRAFT DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We watched a short video on Neolithic times and worked on questions.  HOMEWORK:  NEOLITHIC TIMES Q 1-5 DUE TOMORROW, EARLY TIMES TEST FRIDAY.

7SS-We corrected our worksheet on Time from last week.  I assigned Weekly Updates and introduced our social action for the month of October; a parent letter was sent home.  WEEKLY UPDATES DUE FRIDAY.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

8ELA-8B Corrected Spelling.  Both classes had their Reading periods.  8B went on to walk around the "Swift Things are Beautiful" poem by Elizabeth Coatsworth.  HOMEWORK:  READING JOURNALS AND SPELLING TESTS TOMORROW. 8B--SWIFT THINGS/SLOW THINGS STANZA DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We corrected and I collected homework on Paleo Times.  NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

8ELA-8M had their Reading class then we corrected Spelling before going onto a new topic in Writing.  We'll be taking what we've learned regarding Word Choice and learning about Voice.  8B missed their classes with me today.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-We continued learning about Paleolithic Times via our textbook and a series of online videos.  iI returned their Chronology Quizzes; some students didn't score well so have been invited to a study session tomorrow at first recess then the rewrite will be Friday at lunch.  HOMEWORK:  PALEO TIMES Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We continued our learning on Time Zones then started studying maps and globes.  HOMEWORK:  TIME P. 61-63  DUE FRIDAY.

Forms were sent home from the office to ensure correct contact information.  
Please return as soon as possible.

We spent some active time outside in remembrance of Terry Fox; 
it was a beautiful fall day to get some exercise.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

8ELA-We had Reading Class today.  8M continued working on the writing trait of word choice via the poem "Swift Things are Beautiful" by Elizabeth Coatsworth.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING DUE TOMORROW. 8M SWIFT/SLOW STANZA DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We learned about the Stone Age today.  8B watched a video representing the time period.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We continue learning about time zones.  NO HOMEWORK.

Terry Fox Activity tomorrow. 
 Please bring $1 for a colour day with all funds raised being sent to the Terry Fox Foundation.

Friday, 20 September 2019

8ELA-We did unit 2 Spelling and Reading class; I collected Journals.  We spent some time on poetry writing focussing on the Word Choice trait.  HOMEWORK:  READING, SENSES STANZA DUE MONDAY.

8SS-We studied how common social studies words are built and learned about origin stories.  HOMEWORK:  TIME QUIZ, WORD STUDY, AND ORIGIN STORIES Q 1-6 DUE MONDAY.

7SS-We had Weekly Update today and presenters told us about current news stories.

Terry Fox Friday was postponed due to rain.  We'll reschedule.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

8ELA-We corrected Spelling #2 and I collected our final drafts of our summer vacay reports.  This was followed by Reading.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST FRIDAY.  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY. 

8SS-We started learning about chronology and timelines.  We studied an example from the board and had work time.  HOMEWORK:  MEASURING TIME WORKSHEET DUE TOMORROW.

This Friday we will celebrate Terry Fox with an outdoor fitness activity.  
Students are invited to bring $1 which will be forwarded on for cancer research.  
Bringing the loonie also allows the student to have a colour day.

Monday, 16 September 2019

8ELA-We worked on our Spelling unit #2 and had Reading.  I spent some time reviewing Journals and how to improve scores.  HOMEWORK:  READING, SPELLING #2 DUE WEDNESDAY.  SUMMER VACATION DRAFTS DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We learned about world view and reflected on statements that we consider our own world view.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We corrected the introductory lesson on latitude and longitude (co-ordinates).  I reviewed a new assignment which requires students to use what they have learned and apply it to an atlas map.  HOMEWORK:  P. 55 DS DUE THURSDAY.

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

8ELA-We had our first full reading period today.  8B put together their Writing Folders and we began reviewing the Revise part of the writing cycle.  We also reviewed Ideas, Organization, and Word Choice Traits.  We will practice how to revise our writing by using a teacher sample then students will apply what they have learned to their personal narrative of summer vacation.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING UNIT 1 DUE TOMORROW.  8B HAS FIRST DRAFT WITH COOL WORDS DUE TOMORROW.  8M HAS FIRST DRAFT DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We corrected our notes on Talking About History.  NO HOMEWORK.

We'll get together with the 6s and 7s for ice-breakers and competitive fun to 
celebrate being back to school.  Everyone has been assigned a colour and 
there will be a prize for the best dressed (most in colour) team.  
Go Green!

Friday, 6 September 2019

8ELA-We started writing today.  We spent time on Pre-Writing, the first step in the writing process.  We then moved onto creating a first draft or sloppy copy.  It needs to be two pages, double-spaced, and it doesn't have to be pretty since we'll be revising it on Monday.  HOMEWORK:  FIRST DRAFT SUMMER VACATION REPORT.

8SS-We spent time thinking about the definition of "history" and why we study it.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We were thinking about what we see on the map and whether we could travel around the world with the help of six degrees of separation.  NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

First Day Back

Students spent periods 1-4 with homeroom teachers reviewing classroom expectations, setting up binders and lockers, and touring the building.

7SS-We reviewed the year plan and the Weekly Update form.  Students were also asked the following question:  How many oceans are in the world?  I'll collect answers tomorrow--come prepared.

8B ELA-We set up binders and Reading Journals.  We reviewed the year plan.

Charlee's, our hot lunch program, will be starting next week so be sure 
to bring a lunch for the rest of the week.

Tomorrow we get started working.  
Hope to see you again--bring that great beginning of school attitude! 

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Welcome Back!

School's in, everyone!  We'll be doing lots of fun things and learning a lot.  Bring your supplies and a great attitude tomorrow--it's going to be a great year!

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

8ELA and SS-These periods were used to watch Ridley Scott's 2000 movie Gladiator.  It is an excellent review of our ancient Rome unit.  We did a pre-viewing activity and students worked on a worksheet, to some extent, during the film.  HOMEWORK:  GLADIATOR WORKSHEET.  SPELLING TEST, COMMAS/SEMICOLONS/COLONS TEST, JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.  ANCIENT ROME TEST FRIDAY.

7SS-We corrected our lesson on Amnesty International.  NO HOMEWORK.

Thursday, 25 April 2019

8ELA-We had Reading period followed by the correcting of Spelling and Skills.  HOMEWORK:  JOURNALS DUE TOMORROW, SPELLING TEST TOMORROW.

8SS-We read about the Byzantine Empire and learned more about Emperor Constantine and Justinian.  HOMEWORK:  BYZANTINE EMPIRE Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW, ROME TEST NEXT WEEK, MAY 3 (FRIDAY).

7SS-We read about Viola Desmond last class and questions were assigned.  HOMEWORK:  VIOLA DESMOND Q 1-6

Friday, 5 April 2019

8ELA-After our reading class, we did our weekly spelling test then I collected Journals.  We then shifted gears and moved to our media unit.  Today's focus was Each Medium has a unique aesthetic form. We watched a short video introducing the topic then analyzed some print and tv media promoting milk.  HOMEWORK:  GET A LOAD OF MILK Q 1-6 DUE TUESDAY.

8SS-We continued learning about Rome's social organization, including slavery.  HOMEWORK:  SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Q 1-7.

7SS-We continued learning about human rights.  Today we studied the the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and watched a collection of PSAs representing each right.  NO HOMEWORK.

Please remember:  No school on Monday.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

8ELA-We had Reading class following by correcting of questions on the topic of Media Have Social and Political Implications.  HOMEWORK:  JOURNALS AND SPELLING TEST TOMORROW.

8SS-I collected the pink question assignment on Caesar.  Today we learned about the social organization within Rome. This was 8M only.

7SS-We learned about the birth of human rights, the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Canadian connection to it.  HOMEWORK:  Q 1-7 DUE TOMORROW.

Monday, 1 April 2019

8ELA-Many of us needed new books from the library, after that visit we settled into our Reading class.  We then worked on spelling (unit 20) and skills (commas).  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND SKILLS DUE WEDNESDAY.

8SS-We corrected the Roman Military lesson from before break.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We thought about the rights of individuals today through an activity in which students imagined themselves stranded on an island.  In groups, they discussed the rights and responsibilities of other survivors.  NO HOMEWORK.

Thursday, 21 February 2019

8ELA-We had our Reading period followed by the continuation of key Concept #2 in media literacy (Audiences Negotiate Meaning).  I also conferenced with students on their independent writing pieces and some students worked on their SS projects.  HOMEWORK:  GIANT SPELLING TEST, JOURNALS DUE TOMORROW.  TARGET MARKET WORKSHEETS DUE TOMORROW (THESE WILL REQUIRE STUDENTS TO WATCH TWO TV SHOWS),  C&C WRITING DUE ON MONDAY.

8SS-We learned about the birth of democracy in ancient Greece.  We learned about Solon and Cleisenthenes and various forms of government.  We also watched a short video on the topic.  HOMEWORK:  GREEK DEMOCRACY DEFINITIONS AND WORKSHEET.

7SS-We focussed on the first cluster of the Global Goals--those focussing on Happy and Healthy Life.  We did an activity that made it plain that all people should have the same minimums in life (food, water, shelter) to be successful.  HOMEWORK:  HAPPY AND HEALTHY LIFE Q 1-5 DUE TOMORROW.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

8ELA-We had a Reading period followed by spelling; it was a review unit so there was no pre-check.  I collected our Free Press field trip reflections and other homework.  We reviewed Key Concept #1 of media literacy and moved on to #2 (Audiences Negotiate Meaning).  HOMEWORK:  CONTINUE WORKING ON OUR C&C WRITING PIECE.

8SS-Students were reminded that the Athens v Sparta comparison chart is due tomorrow.  Polis groups then had time to meet and work on their skits.  HOMEWORK:  A V S CHART, SKIT PRACTICE.  8B DID NOT HAVE CLASS TODAY.

Monday, 11 February 2019

8ELA-We had our Reading period.  Since this is a short week (no school on Friday and all morning field trip on Thursday), we won't be doing Spelling or Skills this week.  I have also cancelled Reading Journals this week (but we're still reading!).  We started a new unit today on media literacy.  Our focus today was defining media and thinking about examples.  We also learned about the first key concept of media literacy:  media are constructions.  We discussed what this meant and watched a short video to enhance the concept.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-We started a comparison chart for Athens and Sparta.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We reviewed what we learned from the CIA Factbook regarding high and low ranking human development countries.  NO HOMEWORK.

Grade 8 students need to return their field trip forms tomorrow.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

8ELA-We had a Reading period today and didn't get much time on our writing assignments.  We had a special presentation from MADD which focussed on the consequences of impaired driving.  HOMEWORK:  JOURNALS, SPELLING TEST, PRONOUN TEST DUE TOMORROW.  SPELLING TEST RE-WRITES ALSO HAPPEN TOMORROW.

8SS-We corrected our lesson on ancient Athens.  HOMEWORK:  NOTHING NEW BUT WE WILL CORRECT SPARTA Q 1-6 TOMORROW.

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

8ELA-We had our Reading period then launched into writing.  Students are working on a creative writing piece in which they choose the genre (poem, short story, memoir, or non-fiction paragraph) on a theme related to our last unit (chuckles and chills).  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND SKILLS DUE TOMORROW, WRITING ASSIGNMENT (ROUGH DRAFT) DUE TOMORROW.  THIS FRIDAY, SPELLING TEST, PRONOUN TEST, AND JOURNALS WILL BE DUE.

8SS-Students are working in polis groups to turn a myth into a play and performance.  Today they broke into smaller groups with members working on the script, setting, and costumes/props.  HOMEWORK:  SCRIPT ROUGH DRAFT AND SETTING/COSTUMES/PROPS PLAN DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We learned about the concept of human development today and compared it to our understanding of standard of living.  We also learned about how poverty makes people feel.  NO HOMEWORK.

Friday, 1 February 2019

What a fun day we had!
8ELA-We had our Reading period and did our spelling test #15.  We also did our Character Booktalks (8B will finish on Monday).  HOMEWORK:  SPORT POEMS Q 1-6.

8SS-We worked on our Mount Olympus Challenge; we focussed on the myths of King Midas and Orion.  HOMEWORK:  ATHENS Q 1-6.

7SS-We worked on questions of poverty and standard of living.  HOMEWORK:  STANDARD OF LIVING Q 1-6

To kick off I Love to Read month, today was "Dress as Your Favourite Book Character" 
or "Dress as Text (black and white)". 
8M won the challenge of Best Dressed Class and will now decide from whom
 they will steal a gym class.  
We also had an assembly to celebrate reading and played a trivia game among the 5-8 classes.  
8B won that challenge and gets to have a day without uniform.  Congratulations 8M and 8B!

Thursday, 31 January 2019

8ELA-We had our Reading period and followed it up with a work class on the sports poems we've read.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST UNIT #15, CHARACTER BOOKTALKS, SPORTS POEMS Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We worked on our questions about Athens.  HOMEWORK:  ATHENS Q 1-6.

7SS-We corrected the two questions that were assigned last class on the topic of the poverty cycle.  NO HOMEWORK.

Friday is February 1st--the start of I Love to Read month!  
Bring $1 and come dressed as your favourite book character or in black and white. 

Mount Olympus Challengers
On a piece of looseleaf, list all the characters of the Orion and Midas myths read in class, in alphabetical order.  Hand it in to me, after 10 minutes of SS class (or later if you need the time) and receive a reward of supplies for the day's tasks. 

Monday, 28 January 2019

8ELA-We had our Reading period and followed it with Spelling unit #15 and the final two topics of our Pronouns unit.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND PRONOUNS.

8SS-Polis groups presented their dramatic readings of their Orpheus love poems/songs--and there was a whole lot of drama!  HOMEWORK:  SPARTA Q 1-6 (ASSIGNED LAST WEEK).

7SS-We finished our presentations on the New Canadian/More and Less Developed Nations projects.  NO HOMEWORK.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

8ELA-We had Reading class then 8B corrected "Life Sentence" then worked on two poems.  8M had Reading class the worked on the two poems since they corrected yesterday.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND SKILLS DUE TOMORROW, DQ/TCWWB Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW, JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-8B worked on the Socrates lesson while 8M corrected.  HOMEWORK:  8B SOCRATES Q 1-5, NO HOMEWORK FOR 8M.

7SS-While we didn't have class today, students were told last class they they would be using tomorrow's class (Wednesday) to start creating their good copy of the population projects.  HOMEWORK:  POPULATION PROJECTS DUE FRIDAY, POPULATION TEST THURSDAY, BRING MATERIAL TO WORK ON GOOD COPY OF PROJECT.

I Love to Read month is quickly approaching!  
Do you have your costume for Favourite Book Character Day (next week Friday)?  

Monday, 21 January 2019


8SS-We learned about Socrates today. HOMEWORK 8M ONLY-SOCRATES Q 1-5.


Favourite Book Character Dress Up Day/No Uniform Day-$1 on February 1st (next week Friday)!  
Celebrate I Love to Read Month!

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

8ELA-Reading period started our day.  We also corrected spelling unit #13 and our skills lessons on pronouns.  We then had questions for a memoir we read in class.  HOMEWORK:  "LIFE SENTENCE" BY NICOLE AXWORTHY Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW.  JOURNALS AND SPELLING TEST ON FRIDAY.

SS-We corrected our questions on Greek Religious Festivals:  Olympics and Drama.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We read from our textbook, watched a short video, and discussed the push and pull factors of migration.  NO HOMEWORK.

Mount Olympus Challengers
For Friday's challenge day, be sure to read the myths carefully since you'll need a password 
to receive special supplies.  After you've read Myth #3, write the following words on a sticky note and hand them into me when I call for the passwords.  
The password is:  the third word from the first paragraph, the first word of the third paragraph, 
and the last word of the eighth paragraph.
Good luck!

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

8ELA-We had Reading period followed by a correcting session on "The Tell-Tale Heart".  We also read a memoir titled "Life Sentence" by Nicole Axworthy.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING #13 PLUS PRONOUNS P. 52. 53. 55. 56. 58. 59.

8SS-We learned about Greek Olympics and drama and how they represent Greek religion.  HOMEWORK:  GREEK RELIGIOUS FESTIVALS Q 1-6.

7SS-We corrected our Population Review and started a new idea; that being, what causes people to move away.  NO HOMEWORK.

Monday, 14 January 2019

8ELA-I returned spelling tests from last week and last week's Journals.  We had our Reading period.  We worked on a new spelling unit (#13) and pronouns (as subject, object, and possessive).  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING #13 AND PRONOUNS P. 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59 DUE WEDNESDAY.

8SS-We corrected Greek Religion.  NO HOMEWORK.

Friday, 11 January 2019

8ELA-We had our Reading period and followed this with the review spelling unit, the Ultra Test.  We then had work time for Poe's story.  I collected Journals.  HOMEWORK:  "THE TELL-TALE HEART" BY EDGAR ALLAN POE Q 1-7 DUE MONDAY.

8SS-We played the Mount Olympus Challenge today!  We had lots of fun and learned the myth of Heracles and Atalanta.  HOMEWORK:  GREEK RELIGION Q 1-9 DUE MONDAY.

7SS-We had work classes today for population information.  HOMEWORK:  POPULATION REVIEW Q 1-7 DUE MONDAY.

Mount Olympus Challengers!  Can you translate my bulletin board title into English?  I pointed it out to everyone.  Send me your English translation before midnight tonight and you'll receive two bonus points!

Thursday, 10 January 2019

8ELA-We started with Reading period.  We watched/listed to a famous actor, Christopher Lee, tell the story "The Tell-Tale heart" by Edgar Allan Poe then we worked on related questions.  HOMEWORK:  ULTRA TEST TOMORROW, JOURNALS DUE TOMORROW.

8M SS-This was a work class; students could spend their time on SS or ELA.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We worked on questions reviewing the concepts of population as it relates to climate, land cover, and land use.  HOMEWORK:  SIGNED TEST ARE NOW DUE.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Welcome Back Everyone!
8ELA-We had our Reading period followed by correcting a review spelling unit and two pronoun lessons.  This was followed by a work period for SS (Greek Religion).

8SS-I used this time to introduce the Mount Olympus Challenge; a co-operative learning experience in which we study Greek mythology. The game is played every Friday and has a Wednesday Warrior challenge as well.

7SS-We studied population graphics and copied questions from the board.


Grade 8-I'm glad you've come to check out this page.  Not only is it useful to know the daily work assignments from my classes, but you may also find clues to be successful in our Mount Olympus Challenge.  Be advised that not everyone checks this page despite my reminders, so if you're here, don't brag about what you may help you on your Mount Olympus journey.