Wednesday, 28 February 2018

8ELA-We had a period to finalize and peer conference our projects.  We also had Reading Class.  HOMEWORK:  I AM DAVID PROJECTS DUE TOMORROW.  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-We learned about Socrates today.  HOMEWORK:  SOCRATES Q 1-4 PLUS #5 WHICH IS A PINK QUESTION.

7SS-We reviewed our answers to the Peaceful and Equal Future Reflection then reviewed what everyone is working on for our SDG project.  HOMEWORK:  THINKING ABOUT YOUR PROJECT.

Friday is early dismissal at 11:35.  Teachers are working on report cards.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

8ELA-We used today to finalize our work for I am David projects.  Tomorrow's class will be used for peer conferences and final touches.  HOMEWORK:  I AM DAVID PROJECTS DUE THURSDAY.  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-I collected pink questions and then we corrected Athens questions.  NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday Warrior tomorrow.  Come prepared.

Friday is early dismissal at 11:35.  Teachers will be using the afternoon to write report cards.

Monday, 26 February 2018

8ELA-We continued working on our I am David projects. This was followed by a Reading Class.  Tomorrow we'll be doing fine tuning, peer conferencing, and practicing our presentations.  HOMEWORK:  PROJECT WORK (DUE THURSDAY), READING JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-We learned about Athens today and noted the difference between it and Sparta; we focussed on the idea of slavery in a "free-thinking" society.  HOMEWORK:  ATHENS Q 1-4 PLUS THE PINK QUESTION #5.

7SS-We did an activity today which focussed on a Peaceful and Equal Future and spent some time on a Reflection.  I also introduced the project; in it, students must choose a Development Goal to work on and create an event/campaign to support it.  HOMEWORK:  FOR WEDNESDAY'S CLASS, STUDENTS SHOULD HAVE THE GOAL CHOSEN AND THE CIRCLE GRAPH FOR IT COMPLETED.

Mount Olympus Challengers:  Be sure your Wednesday Warrior is ready to compete, physically. 
If he or she doesn't "look" ready, he or she WON'T be competing.  
We'll be having our own mini-Olympics!

Friday, 23 February 2018

8ELA-8M worked on wordles for our upcoming Anti-Bullying Presentation.  Then they, and later the 8B class had time to work on their I am David projects.  Some people are writing an epilogue, some are doing projects on refugees, and some are doing a Powerpoint answering the question:  What is a Hero?.  HOMEWORK:  NOVEL STUDY PROJECTS-DUE THURSDAY.

8SS-We had our Mount Olympus Challenge today and it was fun...and very creative.  My blog gives information about what's happening in class and sometimes, very valuable information--check it out often!  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We worked on questions today relating to our activity yesterday on the UNs SDG focussing on Good Business.  HOMEWORK:  GOOD BUSINESS QUESTIONS 1-4. 

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

8ELA-We corrected the I am David movie reflection.  I distributed the novel study projects and reviewed the rubrics with students.  I met with groups for strategies on how to begin and be successful on the projects.  HOMEWORK:  NO JOURNALS, SPELLING OR SKILLS THIS WEEK.  DO RESEARCH FOR PROJECTS.

8SS-We were on a website belonging to the British Museum in London and used their Sparta information.  We learned how the Spartan lifestyle began then played a fun video game to see who would make a successful Spartan...and who would not.  HOMEWORK:  SPARTA PART 2-Q 6 AND 7 PLUS THE PINK QUESTION #8.

7SS-We reviewed the questions from yesterday's activity focussing on Happy and Healthy Life; I also randomly called in homework for marking.  Today we did an activity focussing on Healthy Planet--Lulia had to be the earth and she was a good sport.  HOMEWORK:  HEALTHY PLANET REFLECTION.

Reminder: For students who have missed a spelling test, tomorrow is your day for writing.  
This will be done during the Reading Class.

Mount Olympus Challenge-After reading myth 3, you must present me with a password.  
The password is:  
the third word of the first paragraph,
the first word of the third paragraph,
and the last word of the eighth paragraph.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

8ELA-We corrected I am David chapter 8 today and I returned Journals.  We also had Reading class.  HOMEWORK:  I AM DAVID MOVIE REFLECTION.  OUTSTANDING SPELLING TESTS WILL BE WRITTEN DURING THURSDAY'S READING CLASS.

8SS-We corrected our Sparta lesson.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We reviewed the UN's Sustainability Development Goals for a Happy and Healthy Life then participated in an activity which helped us appreciated how important the basic necessities are.  HOMEWORK:  HAPPY AND HEALTHY LIFE Q 1-3 DUE TOMORROW.

Friday, 9 February 2018

8ELA-We finished our novel today--there was good new AND something something sad.  We then had time to work on the chapter 8 questions though they aren't for homework; students can finish them on Tuesday.  We also did our spelling test #15.  HOMEWORK:  SKILLS TEST ON MONDAY.  BRING BACK MOVIE PERMISSION FORMS ON MONDAY.

8SS-We did the Mount Olympus Challenge today--which polis will take the lead?  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We corrected our work on the UN's Global Goals for Sustainability Development.  NO HOMEWORK.

The grade 7s will be going on a field trip on Monday to Winnipeg Harvest.  
They must be in uniform.  

Next week is very busy at Holy Cross School; it's Catholic Schools Week!   
For those not going on the field trip, it is Dress as Your Favourite Book Character on Monday.  Tuesday is Pink, Red, and White Day to celebrate St. Valentine's Day.  Our PAC will be serving a light pancake breakfast to remember Shrove Tuesday--Yay!  
Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and we'll be having mass in the gym with the bishop. 
Thursday is Pajama Day--come to school in your jammies.  
There is no school on Friday as teachers will be at an in-service.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

8ELA- We corrected I am David questions from chapter 7 and 8M also corrected their spelling and skills.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST TOMORROW.  JOURNALS DUE TOMORROW.  SKILLS TEST ON MONDAY. PLEASE RETURN MOVIE PERMISSION FORMS TOMORROW.

8SS- 8M corrected Greek Sports & Arts and is now caught up to 8B.  NO HOMEWORK.

Special congratulations goes out to the 8M Athenian and Spartan Wednesday Warriors and the 8B Athenian, Corinthian, and Spartan Wednesday Warriors.  These competitors did well for their polis and earned the maximum number of points for today's challenge.  Let's see who does well tomorrow!

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

8ELA-We corrected our spelling and skills and had time to work on our chapter 7 I am David questions.  HOMEWORK:  I AM DAVID CH 7 Q 1-7 (DUE TOMORROW), SPELLING TEST AND JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY, SKILLS TEST ON MONDAY

8SS-8B corrected the Greek Sports & Arts lesson but 8M had work time for it.  HOMEWORK:  8M ONLY-GREEK SPORTS & ARTS DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We were at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights all morning during our double.  Yesterday, questions were assigned on the UN's Global Goals.  HOMEWORK:  UN'S GLOBAL GOALS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Q 1-6.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

8ELA-We read chapter 7 of our novel I am David and only have one more chapter left--will David get to Denmark?  8M got started on the questions but will have period two tomorrow to finish.  8B didn't have class time so it wasn't assigned for homework for either class.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING #15 AND SKILLS (X2).  GET I AM DAVID QUIZ SIGNED.  ALL DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We learned about the Greek love of sports, especially the Olympic games, and their love of literature and the arts.  HOMEWORK:  GREEK SPORTS & ARTS Q 1-7 DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-Now that we've finished reading an introduction to the United Nations, the MDGs, and the SDGs, we started working on the related questions.  HOMEWORK:  INTRO TO THE GLOBAL GOALS Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW.  GET FIELD TRIP FORM SIGNED AND RETURNED TOMORROW.

Monday, 5 February 2018

8ELA-I returned Journals, Character Traits Charts, and chapters 5 and 6 homework.  We worked on a new spelling lesson (unit 15-The Suffix -ion) and in Skills, we took a look at good speech habits and did some review on verbs.  We also had Reading Class.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING #15, SKILLS (TWO PAGES), GET I AM DAVID QUIZZES SIGNED AND RETURNED.

7SS-I returned their worksheets on the Transforming Lives video.  We then continued our reading on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and how they came into being.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-We corrected Greek Religion.  NO HOMEWORK.