Thursday, 25 January 2018

8ELA-We had class time to work on our novel questions which included doing half of the Relationship Web.  HOMEWORK:  I AM DAVID CHAPTER 5 QUESTIONS W/ RELATIONSHIP WEB DUE TOMORROW.  SPELLING TEST TOMORROW.  NO JOURNALS TOMORROW.

8SS-We did a small quiz on Antiquity today.  This was followed by a very brief introduction to ancient Greece (our next unit).  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We discussed the top three and bottom three countries of the world when looking at human development and we learned that Canada is ranked #10 out of 177 countries.  We thought about a definition for poverty and did an activity where we put the issues of poverty into a cause-and-effect relationship which showed us how poverty is a cycle.  NO HOMEWORK.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018


8SS-We finished our chart on world religions and we now know a little more about Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism.  It won't make us religious scholars but we're now more aware of the faiths in our world.  NO HOMEWORK.

We had a presentation today on Winnipeg Harvest.  We learned its history and purpose and how it affects change in neighbourhoods around the city.

Monday, 22 January 2018

8ELA-We did a literature test on the I am David novel (chapters 1-4).  It assessed the student's ability to identify and explain style, use new vocabulary, explain character preferences, place events in chronological order, and demonstrate an understanding of cause and effect.  We also did our new spelling unit (#14) and learned about irregular verbs and their correct tenses.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND SKILLS DUE WEDNESDAY.

8SS-Used for ELA class.

7SS-We started a new unit today.  We talked about what we think makes up the good life and then learned that standard of living is more complicated than we originally learned.  We also learned the meaning of human development.  At the end of the class, we can differentiate between the two concepts.  NO HOMEWORK.

Friday, 19 January 2018

8ELA-We did our unit 13 spelling test and reviewed concepts to be covered on Monday's ELA literature test.  HOMEWORK:  ULTRA TEST NEEDS TO BE SIGNED AND RETURNED, I AM DAVID TEST ON MONDAY.

8SS-We started learning about world religions today.  We broke out into five groups and each one had a different religion.  We read a section in the textbook and starting making notes in a chart format.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We finished Cluster One today with a test on climate, weather, land use/cover, population, and the concepts surrounding population movement and an unequal world.  NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

8ELA-We corrected our spelling work and skills work.  We made our I am David chapter 4 notes.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST FRIDAY.  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.  I AM DAVID CHARACTER TRAIT CHART (ONE THIRD ONLY) DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We corrected our maps of ancient civilizations.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We continued with presentations of our New Canadian/Refugee projects.  NO HOMEWORK.  TEST ON FRIDAY.

Monday, 15 January 2018

8ELA-We worked on spelling today with a focus on the suffix sound "ize" and the three ways it can be spelled.  We also practiced with verb tenses, especially the troublesome perfect tenses.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING UNIT 13 AND PERFECT TENSES WORKSHEETS ARE BOTH DUE WEDNESDAY, JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS- We learned a little about "Antiquity" today and reviewed the locations of the civilizations developing during this time.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS- No class today--day 6.

Friday, 12 January 2018

8ELA/SS-We wanted to complete the ELA presentations (Booktalks) plus the SS presentations (Egyptian Art, Architecture, and Technology) so these classes were used for these purposes.  We also did a multi-unit spelling test today.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-One class was used for working on projects which are due on Tuesday.  The other one was used for discussing the test scheduled for next week as a test outline was given.  HOMEWORK:  POPULATION PROJECT DUE JANUARY 16 (TUESDAY), TEST DUE JANUARY 17 (WEDNESDAY).

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Better Late Than Never!

8SS-The grades got their Egypt unit tests back on Monday so they were sent home for signing. I'm still waiting for some to be returned, signed.  We've been working on our Egyptian Architecture, Art, and Technology presentations.  We're leaning about a lot of cool structures and interesting objects--we should be done presentations tomorrow.  NO HOMEWORK.

8ELA-We're continuing our work on the I am David novel but today and tomorrow we're doing Booktalks.  HOMEWORK:  ULTRA SPELLING TEST TOMORROW.

7SS-We're continuing our work on pull and pull factors.  The project was assigned before Christmas break.  We have tomorrow's class to finish our projects.  HOMEWORK:  POPULATION PROJECT DUE TUESDAY, JANUARY 16.  TEST ON JANUARY 16.