Thursday, 13 December 2018

8ELA-We corrected our questions on "With My Foot in My Mouth" by Dennis Lee.  We had a short Reading period.  HOMEWORK:  READING JOURNALS AND SPELLING TEST TOMORROW, VERB TENSES QUIZ RESCHEDULED TO MONDAY.

8SS-We started corrected our notes on World Religions.  NO HOMEWORK.

Please complete your Christmas ornament colouring assignment for tomorrow.

Bring $1 for pajama day tomorrow.

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

8ELA-We had Reading period and followed it with spelling corrections and practising the perfect tenses.  We then thought about our best friend and read a poem about friendship and the love we have for that person.  HOMEWORK:  LIBRARY SANTA JOURNAL ENTRY, SPELLING TEST #12, AND TENSES TEST ON FRIDAY, "WITH MY FOOT IN MY MOUTH" POEM Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW.  BRING A BOOK FOR READING PERIOD TOMORROW.

8SS-We continue our study of ancient world religions. NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We starting learning about population today; specifically, the ideas of more and less-developed countries.  We ended the class with a definition of standard of living.  NO HOMEWORK.

8M students need to bring in their research on a Christmas cultural tradition.  

Thursday, 6 December 2018

8ELA-We corrected spelling and had our silent reading period.  We spent some time working on the poems we read this week.  HOMEWORK:  NO JOURNALS BUT BOOKTALKS INSTEAD, PLUS SPELLING TEST, PLUS "ORANGES' AND "HAIRCUT" DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-We started a mini-unit on Antiquity today.  We'll learn where the earliest civilizations were located and why they grew there and we'll learn A LITTLE about the world's oldest religions.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We corrected the Land Cover Worksheet.  We briefly discussed our Cheerboard hamper packing and I reviewed the Reflection.  HOMEWORK:  CHEERBOARD REFLECTION DUE TOMORROW.  PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY (CLIMATE/WEATHER/LAND) TEST ON MONDAY.

To get us all in the mood for Christmas, Student Council is sponsoring an "Ugly Christmas Sweater" day tomorrow.  Students can bring $1 to be out of uniform and in something Christmas-sy and ugly.  All money raised will be donated to Siloam Mission.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

8ELA-We had a regular Reading Class followed by a work class for our stories.  HOMEWORK:  JOURNALS AND SPELLING TEST DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-Used for ELA/storywriting.

7SS-We continued learning about climate and weather; we read from the text and made notes.  NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

8ELA-We continued work on our short stories and we're almost done!  We also corrected spelling #9 and our worksheets on verb tenses.  HOMEWORK:  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY, SPELLING TEST DUE FRIDAY, TYPED DRAFT OF STORY DUE TOMORROW.  VERB TEST NOV 29.

8SS-We spent time comparing an Egyptian societal group to a similar group in Canada.  Pairs of students created a Venn diagram to illustrate their new knowledge.  NO HOMEWORK.  EGYPT TEST NOV 29.

7SS-We started learning about climate and read from the text and made some notes.  I gave students the test they wrote yesterday and am sending it home for signing.  NO HOMEWORK.

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

8ELA-We worked on our stories today so we were busy writing.  HOMEWORK:  NEXT DRAFT DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We were learning about different groups in Egyptian society.  We accessed a PBS website and researched pharaohs, priests, women, soldiers, and workers and learned about their lifestyles.  HOMEWORK:  A DAY IN THE LIFE WORKSHEET (X2)

7SS-We did our continents map tests.  I collected Continent Project #3.  NO HOMEWORK.

Monday, 19 November 2018

8ELA-We started a new unit in spelling today and continued learning about verbs and tenses.  We then spent some time with the stories we're writing.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING/SKILLS DUE WEDNESDAY, 8M STORY SECOND DRAFT, 8B STORY FIRST DRAFT.

8SS-This class was used as an ELA class.  NO HOMEWORK.

**Grade 7 did not have class with me today but they have a test and project due tomorrow.

Report cards went home today.  In the envelope, you'll also find a letter detailing parent-teacher conferences.  Please review this carefully; if you are interested in attending please let me know which teacher you'd like to see and a preferred time.  If you do not wish to visit with any teacher at this time, please indicate that.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

8ELA-We corrected Spelling and Skills and had our Reading period.  This was followed by correcting "Everyday is Earth Day" a play by Steven Pricone.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST FRIDAY, VERB TEST FRIDAY, BUT NO JOURNALS FRIDAY.  CHARACTER AND SETTING WEBS DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We started to learn about King Tut today and watched four short videos on the New York City exhibition of 2015 which recreated the tomb as it was found by Howard Carter.  Students worked on a Video Viewing Sheet in class but will want to improve upon it as homework.  HOMEWORK:  KING TUT VIDEO VIEWING SHEET (SEE VIDEO LISTING BELOW).  (The Discovery of King Tut:  The Exhibition-Official Trailer)  (The Discovery of King Tut:  The Antechamber)  (The Discovery of King Tut:  The Burial Chamber and Treasury)  (The Discovery of King Tut:  The Gold Mask)

7SS-We started work on our Asia-Australia/Ocean projects.  News articles are listed on yesterday's blog.  HOMEWORK:  CONTINENT PROJECT #3 DUE TUESDAY.  CONTINENT TESTS ON TUESDAY.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

8ELA-We had our Reading period and I followed this with the introduction to our fiction projects.  We spent some time thinking about our character and setting, based on a photo. HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND SKILLS DUE TOMORROW, CHARACTER AND SETTING WEBS DUE TOMORROW, "EVERYDAY IS EARTH DAY" Q 1-7 DUE TOMORROW.  SPECIAL TREAT:  NO JOURNALS THIS WEEK!

8SS-I collected pink questions today on the topic of "Who Should Possess the Rosetta Stone?"We corrected Egyptian Education today.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We worked on Asia and Australia/Oceania maps today and will be starting the project on these two continents tomorrow.  Students will need to choose a continent-related news piece and be able to answer the "W" questions for it; they will also write a paragraph reflecting on how the topic of the news affects quality of life.  They'll choose from the following links, based on their own interests:

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

8ELA-We corrected our spelling unit focussing on ei/ie words and the skills worksheets focussing on irregular verbs.  We also had our Reading period.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-We corrected Egyptian Religion and Egyptian Death and Pyramids (Q1 and 2 only).  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We started work on Continents Project #2 which focusses on Europe and Africa.  We'll have two periods to work on it tomorrow then it will be due on Monday. 

Monday, 5 November 2018

8ELA-We worked on a tricky new spelling unit; it focussed on ei/ie words.  We also spent time learning the irregular verbs in the past, present,and future forms.  During Reading period, I met with students and checked their first term reading compared to their goals.  HOMEWORK:  GET ADJECTIVE TEST SIGNED.  SPELLING AND SKILLS DUE WEDNESDAY.  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-We continued learning about the Egyptians and their religions; today's focus was on how reacted to death and how they handled the body.  HOMEWORK:  EGYPTIAN RELIGION Q 1-4, AND EGYPTIAN DEATH AND PYRAMIDS Q 1-5.

7SS-We corrected the Europe map and starting learning the geography of Africa.  HOMEWORK:  AFRICA MAP.

Please remember that tomorrow is an early dismissal at 2:00.

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

8ELA-We had our Reading period and then corrected Spelling and Skills.  I also collected homework but we will do the class correcting tomorrow.  HOMEWORK:  "CRANES FLY SOUTH" WHICH WE DIDN'T GET TO CORRECT TODAY, BOOKTALKS DUE FRIDAY.  SPELLING MAKE UP TESTS WILL BE WRITTEN ON FRIDAY AT FIRST RECESS-THIS IS FOR STUDENTS WHO MISSED THE ORIGINAL TEST.

8SS-We corrected Egyptian government.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We had the last bit of work time for our continent projects.  Students who needed more time were invited to meet with me tomorrow at lunch.  HOMEWORK:  CONTINENT PROJECT #1 DUE FRIDAY.

We had two special activities today.  A string orchestra was in today so that was a great treat!  
We also had a Halloween dance in the afternoon.  

If trick-or-treating tonight, be safe and don't each too much candy tonight!

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

8ELA-We had our Reading period at the start of class then worked on questions for the short story "Cranes Fly South" by Edward McCourt.  I also reviewed the instructions for this week's Booktalks (vocabulary, author details, plot/genre details).  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING/SKILLS FROM YESTERDAY IS DUE TOMORROW, "CRANES FLY SOUTH" Q 1-7 DUE TOMORROW, BOOKTALKS NOT JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-I collected the re-do questions today at the start of class.  We learned about Egyptian government and social organization.  HOMEWORK:  EGYPTIAN SOCIETY Q 1-6.

7SS-No class today as students were at WeDay.  HOMEWORK:  WEDAY REFLECTION DUE TOMORROW.

Monday, 29 October 2018

8ELA-I returned Journals today.  We started a new spelling unit today focussing on the "seed" sound and the different ways it is spelled.  We also began learning about verb tenses with a focus on irregular verbs.  We read another short story "Cranes Fly South" by Edward McCourt.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING #6, SKILLS P. 145, 148, 149, 150. 

7SS-We continued working on our Continent projects--we'll have one more class then they'll be for homework.

8SS-We reviewed the Technology Chart assigned on Friday.  I returned homework, including the pink question, and reviewed problems.  HOMEWORK:  PINK QUESTION RE-DO DUE TOMORROW.

Monday, 22 October 2018

8ELA-We had our Reading period and I returned Journals.  Are you on track to meet your goal for the first term?  We worked on Spelling #6 and continued our learning on adjectives.  We read a short story "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury.  HOMEWORK:  ADJECTIVE TEST ON FRIDAY ALONG WITH SPELLING TEST AND JOURNALS.

8SS-We continued learning about Egypt's physical geography and how it might affect everyday life.  We talked about the expectations for Pink Questions and copied questions.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We learned about rivers and lakes today.  I discussed next week's field trip to WeDay and reviewed the Globe Test.  HOMEWORK:  GET PERMISSION FORM AND TEST SIGNED AND RETURNED BEFORE THURSDAY.

Thursday, 18 October 2018

8ELA-I collected Journals and the Non-Fiction Paragraph assignment.  I also collected the homework and we corrected "Operation Survival" together.  We did a Spelling test and had Reading period.  What a busy day!  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-We continued learning about Egyptian geography; we read from the text and watched a short video.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We continue learning about physical geography; we made notes and read from the text.  NO HOMEWORK.

What wonderful weather!  
Take the time to sit outside and enjoy the long weekend and sunshine.  
It won't last.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

8ELA-We started a section on Fiction today with notes and a short story.  We read "Operation Survival" by Cicely Veighey; it's got a great surprise ending!  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND ADJECTIVES x4 DUE TOMORROW.  SPELLING TEST AND JOURNALS DUE THURSDAY.  NON-FICTION PARAGRAPH DUE THURSDAY.

8SS-We had a gallery walk for our Early Peoples project and saw the work of our classmates.  We also started our new unit on ancient Egypt.  We shared what we think we know on the topic and thought about what we wanted to know.  We also started a Date Chart (a great study strategy)!  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-No class today.

Please remember that there is no school on Friday.

Monday, 15 October 2018

8ELA-We did spelling unit #5 and more learning about adjectives.  This was followed by our Reading period (and library).  We did some sharing with our non-fiction paragraphs and students "marked" the work of a classmate.  This gave us some numerical feedback, with text, to know how to improve our work.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND ADJECTIVES DUE WEDNESDAY, SPELLING TEST THURSDAY, JOURNALS DUE THURSDAY, FINAL DRAFT NON-FICTION PARAGRAPH DUE THURSDAY.

8SS-We had our final work class for our Early People project--we'll be sharing them tomorrow.  HOMEWORK:  EARLY PEOPLES PROJECT DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We had our Globe Test today then started a new unit on physical geography.  We learned the continents, oceans, major rivers, and mountain ranges.  NO HOMEWORK.

Please remember this is a short week.  There is no school on Friday as teachers will be at 
professional development activities.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

8ELA-We had our Reading period and followed this up with sharing our non-fiction paragraph rough drafts.  We're focussing on the techniques of narrative, descriptive, persuasive, and expository writing.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST AND JOURNALS DUE TOMORROW.  NON-FICTION PARAGRAPHS (SECOND DRAFT) DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We worked on our social studies project focussing on early humans. I handed back the unit 1 tests; please get these signed and returned.  HOMEWORK:  ROUGH DRAFT SHOULD BE FINISHED TONIGHT SO THAT WE CAN WORK ON FINAL DRAFTS TOMORROW.

7SS-We finished our test outlines and had some time to quiz with partners and study our notes.  We will have another study class tomorrow.  HOMEWORK:  THE GLOBE TEST ON MONDAY.

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

8ELA-We started our class with Reading then we corrected our spelling review and work on adjectives.  I introduced the non-fiction writing assignment and we had some work time.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST FRIDAY, SPELLING TEST RE-WRITES TOMORROW FIRST RECESS, JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY, NON-FICTION PARAGRAPH ROUGH DRAFT DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-I introduced the Prehistory Project.  We had some work time.  HOMEWORK:  IDEAS FOR EACH BOX/STANZA FOR TOMORROW.

7SS-We started with two Weekly Updates.  We corrected Map Projections and reviewed notes on time zones.  We also started a test outline.  HOMEWORK:  THE GLOBE TEST HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO MONDAY.

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Sorry for the absence--our internet service has been sketchy.

8ELA-We had a brief library visit followed by Reading class.  We then started a review unit in Spelling and learned about adjectives.  We corrected 'Tell the World" from last week.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND ADJECTIVES (x4) DUE TOMORROW PLUS JOURNALS ARE DUE ON FRIDAY.

8SS-We had our first unit test today; it was focussing on history vocabulary and early humans.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We worked on map projections and noticing the differences between different types of maps.  HOMEWORK:  COMPARING MAP PROJECTIONS AND THE GLOBE TEST ON FRIDAY.

Friday, 28 September 2018

8ELA-We had our Reading class today and visited the library.  I collected Journals then we did our Spelling #3 test.  I collected a homework sampling then we corrected "Survival Shelters".  To end the class, we read the non-fiction article "The Mighty Mekong" by Bruce McCulloch.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-In yesterday's class, we read about human development and societies during the paleolithic and mesolithic times.  We also watched a series of videos (available on Youtube) on the topic.  Today we worked on the related questions.  HOMEWORK:  PALEOLITHIC TIMES Q 1-6 DUE MONDAY.

7SS-We did our Latitude and Longitude quiz today.  NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

8ELA-We had our usual Reading period and followed this with correcting unit 3 of spelling.  I collected the mood poems we've been working on and shared a line or two with the class.  They were impressed with the anonymous work of their classmates!  We read another non-fiction article today:  "Survival Shelters" by R.D. Lawrence.  8B was able to start on the questions and both classes will be working on them in tomorrow's ELA class.  HOMEWORK:  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.  SPELLING TEST #3 DUE FRIDAY.

8ELA-We corrected our notes on Origin Stories and started learning more about the Paleolithic times.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We corrected our latitude and longitude worksheet and had a very short practice quiz.  HOMEWORK:  LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE QUIZ FRIDAY.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

8ELA-We had our Reading period and then shared our third draft of the mood poems.  After this, I collected a sampling of "Solo to the Pole" homework and then we corrected the questions together as a class.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING UNIT 3 AND MOOD POEMS DUE TOMORROW.  SPELLING TEST AND READING JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-We had some work time for the Origin Stories questions.  HOMEWORK:  ORIGIN STORIES Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We practiced latitude and longitude.  HOMEWORK:  WEEKLY UPDATE DUE TOMORROW.

Monday, 24 September 2018

8ELA-We had our Reading period and this was followed by Spelling unit 3, in which we learned about spelling strategies for double consonant words.  We had work time for Spelling and the "Solo to the Pole" article we read last week.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING UNIT 3 DUE WEDNESDAY, "SOLO TO THE POLE" QUESTIONS DUE TOMORROW, AND MOOD POEMS (THIRD DRAFT) DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We corrected our Words worksheet (focussing on social studies vocabulary) and started learning about the earliest humans.  We also learned about the concept of "origin stories".  HOMEWORK:  ORIGIN STORIES Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We corrected a worksheet on latitude and longitude and I distributed the Weekly Update assignments.  NO HOMEWORK.

Friday, 21 September 2018

8ELA-We were very busy today!  We had our Reading Period and did our spelling tests.  I collected their Reading Journals and the senses/swift-slow poems.  I was away yesterday and left an article for students to read so today, I reviewed the questions with the 8M class and they had some work time.  HOMEWORK:  8M ONLY-MOOD POEMS DUE ON MONDAY.  8B ONLY-MOOD POEMS THIRD DRAFT DUE ON MONDAY. 

8SS-I reviewed the activity done yesterday when I was away, including the notes.  Then we discussed a new worksheet that helps us discover new words by focussing on the prefixes and suffixes.  The goal of the worksheet is to learn where so many of our social studies words come from.  HOMEWORK:  WORDS WORKSHEET DUE MONDAY.

7SS-We were finally able to do the Weekly Update and learned about a playground being built on Selkirk Avenue, the theft problem at the liquor stores, the large Terry Fox run last Sunday, and volunteering at the museum.  We study the news and discuss so we know what's happening locally, nationally, and internationally.  We then connect it to our learning in the classroom.  HOMEWORK:  FROM YESTERDAY:  LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE WORKSHEET.

We were outside today doing our Terry Fox Run/Walk.  
It raised money for cancer research and it was fun being outside. 
I'm sure everyone will be tired tonight!

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

8ELA-We continue working on poetry and our current focus is on creating mood.  We are putting in a real effort to find and use interesting words thus enlarging our personal vocabulary.  Our thesaurus is becoming a very useful tool!  We corrected spelling unit 2 and had reading period.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST ON FRIDAY.  READING JOURNAL DUE FRIDAY.  SENSE/SWIFT-SLOW POEM DUE FRIDAY.  THIRD DRAFT MOOD POEM DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We've been learning about timelines and the idea of chronology.  We corrected the worksheet on this topic today (it was assigned yesterday).  HOMEWORK:  TIMELINE QUIZ FRIDAY.

7SS-Students missed class yesterday due to their retreat and they are not scheduled for SS on Day 5.  I will see them tomorrow.

***Contact change sheets were sent home.  Please review them, make any necessary changes, sign them and have your child return them to school before Friday.

**We are celebrated Terry Fox on Friday morning.  Students are invited to bring a loonie to be donated to the Terry Fox Foundation.  This dollar also gives them a colour day (no uniform).

Monday, 17 September 2018

8ELA-I returned Reading Journals and reviewed problem areas so that they can be corrected in this week's entry.  We had our Reading period then did spelling pre-check #2.  The rest of the time was used for writing and reading.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING DUE WEDNESDAY, SENSES/SWIFT-SLOW POEM FINAL COPY DUE FRIDAY, MOOD POEM FIRST DRAFT DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-This was used as a writing period for ELA.

7SS-We reviewed the basics of latitude and longitude with notes and group activity.  With partners, they started a worksheet.  HOMEWORK:  LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE WORKSHEET.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

8ELA-I collected the summer memory paragraphs which represent the students' best writing at this point in time.  We then read "The Tom-Cat" which is a poem focussing on mood.  We also spent some time today reviewing our first drafts from poems we started yesterday.  HOMEWORK:  READING JOURNALS DUE TOMORROW, SPELLING TEST TOMORROW, SECOND DRAFT SENSES/SWIFT-SLOW POEMS DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-I collected homework today on primary and secondary sources and we corrected the worksheet together as a class.  We then started a discussion on world view by viewing interesting drawings and asking ourselves:  what do I see?  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We started learning about latitude and longitude and will continue this tomorrow.  NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

8ELA-We had our Reading time then corrected unit 1 work from Monday.  We continued our lesson from yesterday which focussed on senses and swift and slow things we enjoy.  HOMEWORK:  READING JOURNAL DUE FRIDAY, SPELLING TEST FRIDAY, SUMMER MEMORY PARAGRAPH DUE TOMORROW AND SENSES/SWIFT-SLOW SLOPPY COPY DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We continued learning about primary and secondary sources of historical information.  HOMEWORK:  COMPARE AND CONTRAST WORKSHEET.

7SS-We had presentations today from the students who had been assigned Weekly Update; we learned about the news regarding hurricanes, cochlear implants, raw sewage in the Red River, and the meth crisis in Winnipeg and other cities in the prairies.  We started learning about latitude and longitude.  NO HOMEWORK.

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

8ELA-We started our class with our daily 20 minutes of reading.  Then we shared our second draft of a favourite summer memory.  After this, we started talking about how our senses are affected in fall; we talked about the things we smell, taste, hear, see, and feel in September and October.  This discussion turned into a brainstorming chart.  We also started the poem "Senses". HOMEWORK:  SPELLING DUE TOMORROW, READING JOURNAL FRIDAY, SUMMER MEMORY PARAGRAPH DUE THURSDAY.

8SS-We corrected and discussed the homework from last night (Talking about History).  We started reading about primary and secondary sources.  NO HOMEWORK.

**I'm still waiting on some supplies to come in; I'm looking for Kleenex and copy paper.  There are still a few immunization forms due.  Please submit all outstanding material.

Monday, 10 September 2018

8ELA-We started our spelling today with a pre-check and a lesson on words with the short vowel sound.  We went to the library and chose our first books of the year then worked on our Reading Journal.  We set our first terms reading goals and how many pages we should be reading a week.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING UNIT 1 DUE WEDNESDAY, READING JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY, SUMMER MEMORY SECOND DRAFT DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We worked on the meaning of "history"--we spent time thinking about how we learn about it and why.  HOMEWORK:  TALKING ABOUT HISTORY.

7SS-We talked about the shape of the earth and direction versus location (N, S, E, W).  HOMEWORK:  WEEKLY UPDATE FOR THOSE WE WERE ASSIGNED AN ARTICLE TODAY.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

8ELA-Today we started writing!  Our focus was on stage one of the writing process...pre-writing.  WE thought about all the things we did this summer, narrowed our focus, then thought about how our senses were affected.  We also spent some time with the thesaurus and finding interesting words for our assignment.  HOMEWORK:  STAGE TWO OF THE WRITING PROCESS:  FIRST DRAFT (SLOPPY COPY) DUE TOMORROW...BE PREPARED TO SHARE!

8SS-We learned how to "read" a textbook and spent some time using the glossary and index of our text.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We spent time learning how to read a news report and extract information from it and use it in another form.  NO HOMEWORK.

8M received their immunization forms and a code of conduct package. 
These forms must be signed and returned tomorrow.

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

First Day of School Fun
Everyone had a busy day today!  Students met with homeroom teachers and got their lockers organized.  While we moved to classes for the afternoon, it was really a day of setting up binders, reviewing expectations, and reading course outlines.  Grade 8 ELA got a survey to complete--it helps me know students better and I can plan appropriately.  It's due tomorrow.  Grade 7SS got their year plan and we started to review the Weekly Update assignment and we'll continue that activity tomorrow.

Please get all copy paper and tissue boxes in sooner than later.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Welcome Back to School!
I hope you had a great summer filled with fun and friends.  We'll be learning lots this year since it's my job to get you ready for high school.  On this site, I'll briefly mention what we did in class and note any upcoming deadlines (assignments/tests/forms).  I hope you're ready---we've got lots to do!

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

8ELA-We had Reading Class and correcting spelling unit #20.  We then did our Skills test on Sentences, Run-Ons, Fragments, and Commas.  HOMEWORK:  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.  "LIFE SENTENCE" Q 1-9 DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-Today we had an active class talking about Julius Caesar and deciding whether he was a Terrible Tyrant or a Delightful Dictator.  HOMEWORK:  ROMAN GOVERNANCE Q 1-5 PLUS THE CAESAR PINK QUESTION.

7SS-We learned about different forms of protest today.  Our focus was on Martin Luther King, Jr. and Viola Desmond.  HOMEWORK:  FORMS OF PROTEST Q 1-8.  QUALITY OF LIFE TEST ON MONDAY, APRIL 23.

Monday, 16 April 2018

8ELA-We did a new spelling unit today (#20) continuing our learning of prefixes and Latin.  I also returned the spelling tests from Friday, I am David projects, and Journals.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING DUE WEDNESDAY. SKILLS TEST WEDNESDAY. JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-I returned the Greece unit test and reviewed it with students.  We reviewed the lesson on Roman Numerals then proceeded to a Sort & Predict of Roman forms of government.  HOMEWORK:  GET TESTS SIGNED.

7SS-We corrected the UDHR questions and the Human Rights Abuses questions.  NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

8ELA-We corrected spelling unit 19 and our lesson on comma splices.  No Journals this week.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST ON FRIDAY. SKILLS TEST ON APRIL 18 (NEXT WEEK WEDNESDAY).

8SS-We started our Rome unit and did a very quick overview of geography of the start and end of the empire.  We also started making a Date Chart and Who's Who List.  HOMEWORK: ROMAN EMPIRE MAP DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We finished reading about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  HOMEWORK:  UDHR Q 1-6.

Monday, 9 April 2018

8ELA-We did a new spelling unit, #19, and continued learning how to properly use commas.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND SKILLS.

8SS--We did the Greece test today.  Mount Olympus final challenge tomorrow.  NO HOMEWORK.

Science Fair tomorrow.  Students have been working diligently to prepare for their public presentations.  Feel free to visit, ask questions, and learn from our Holy Cross School scientists.  It's open to the public in the afternoon.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Welcome Back--Three Months To Go!

We're in the final stretch now and still have so much to cover.  In the big picture, grade 8 social studies has us starting ancient Rome this month and the Middle Ages/Renaissance in May.  In ELA, we'll be doing more independent writing activities.  Grade 7s will be learning about human rights and democracy as well as other countries.

8ELA-We corrected spelling (unit 18-prefixes) and skills (commas).  We then peer edited our classmates' love projects (poems or collages).  This was followed by our Reading class.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST AND JOURNALS DUE ON FRIDAY.  LOVE PROJECT BEST DRAFT DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We finished correcting our lesson on the United Nations.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-We finished learning about the Persian Wars and the Peloponnesian Wars.  HOMEWORK: 

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

8ELA-We had Reading Class today and worked a little on our Love Activity.  We also read "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe.  It had some tricky vocabulary so did some definitions.  HOMEWORK:  LOVE POEMS/COLLAGES ROUGH DRAFT DUE TOMORROW.

SS-We discussed citizenship today and worked on a Compare and Contrast worksheet focussing on ancient Athens and modern Canada.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We finished our Share the Island activity and discussed conflict resolution.  We also read about the United Nations.  NO HOMEWORK.

Monday, 19 March 2018

8ELA-I handed back and reviewed writing assignments then we had a short reading class.  HOMEWORK:  LOVE ACTIVITY-STUDENTS PICKED UP RUBRICS TODAY-DUE APRIL 4 (WEDNESDAY).

8SS-We learned about citizenship in ancient Greece (Athens) and Canada.  Next class, we'll be looking to make comparisons.  NO HOMEWORK.  TEST APRIL 5 (THURSDAY).

7SS-No class due to Mass this afternoon.


Please remember that there are no classes this Thursday and Friday.  Teachers are holding parent-teacher conferences on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning.  

Spring Break runs from March 26 to March 30.

No school on Easter Monday (April  2).

Friday, 16 March 2018

8ELA-We did our unit 17 spelling test and had a short reading class.  I also went over the Love Assignment (poem or collage) and rubric.  HOMEWORK:  STUDENTS NEED TO DECIDE, FOR MONDAY,  WHETHER TO WORK ON THE POEM OR THE COLLAGE ACTIVITY.

8SS-Mount Olympus Challenge.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We did our last SDG project presentation then finished our Sharing the Island activity.  After discussing the rights and responsibilities we would each have on our deserted island, we discussed possible ways to resolve conflict.  NO HOMEWORK.

Thursday, 15 March 2018

8ELA-We read a poem today by Dennis Lee.  It had us thinking about what we like about our best friend.  HOMEWORK:  JOURNALS DUE TOMORROW.  SPELLING TEST #17 TOMORROW.  "WITH MY FOOT IN MY MOUTH" POEM Q 1-5 DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-No classes today as we were at Reconciliation.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

8ELA-We corrected lesson 17 in spelling and our grammar worksheets on subject/predicate rules and sentence fragments/run-on sentences.  This was followed by our Reading Class.  HOMEWORK:  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.  SPELLING TEST FRIDAY. 

8SS-We continue to learn about democracy and the ideas surrounding citizenship.  We are putting our learning into a chart form to make the comparison between ancient Athenian democracy and modern Canadian democracy.

7SS-We finished up with our SDG project presentations and starting learning about human rights with an activity called Sharing the Island.  NO HOMEWORK.

Mount Olympus Challenge

Before the challenge
  on the morning of,
present a gift
  to show your love.

Steve Jobs,
Snow White's Queen,
New York City,
Adam's Eve.

Tradition says,
  it must be this!
For your prize,
  raise her bliss!

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

8ELA-I collected pink questions from last week's class then we corrected the homework that went with "Oranges" and "haircut".  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND SKILLS DUE TOMORROW.  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-We corrected the Forms of Government chart and the Comparing the Population chart.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-Class missed due to Stations of the Cross.

Friday, 9 March 2018

8ELA-We corrected our homework then continued our theme of love poems and discussed mood and symbolism.  I collected pink questions and Journals.  HOMEWORK:  "HAIRCUT" AND "ORANGES" Q 1-4 PLUS PINK QUESTION #5 DUE NEXT CLASS.

8SS-Mount Olympus Challenge activity was completed where we learned about Orpheus as well as Prometheus.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-  UN SDG presentations.

Thursday, 8 March 2018

8ELA:  We finished reading two poems and had Reading Class.  HOMEWORK:  "THE HIGHWAYMAN" AND "THE FOREST FIRE" POEMS Q 1-6.

8SS-We learned about forms of government and how democracy evolved.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We had presentation today of our UN SDG projects.  NO HOMEWORK.

Mount Olympus Challenge: The password for tomorrow is the answer to the following two questions.  Write your answers on a sticky note and hand them in after you've read the myth 
(where you'll find the answers).

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

8ELA-8B read two poems today:  "The Highwayman" and "The Forest Fire".  We discussed how they fit the criteria of a ballad and copied down an assignment.  8M partially read "The Highway" but got no further due to a presentation in the MPR.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-Classes cancelled due to presentation.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

8ELA-We had a period to finalize and peer conference our projects.  We also had Reading Class.  HOMEWORK:  I AM DAVID PROJECTS DUE TOMORROW.  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-We learned about Socrates today.  HOMEWORK:  SOCRATES Q 1-4 PLUS #5 WHICH IS A PINK QUESTION.

7SS-We reviewed our answers to the Peaceful and Equal Future Reflection then reviewed what everyone is working on for our SDG project.  HOMEWORK:  THINKING ABOUT YOUR PROJECT.

Friday is early dismissal at 11:35.  Teachers are working on report cards.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

8ELA-We used today to finalize our work for I am David projects.  Tomorrow's class will be used for peer conferences and final touches.  HOMEWORK:  I AM DAVID PROJECTS DUE THURSDAY.  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-I collected pink questions and then we corrected Athens questions.  NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday Warrior tomorrow.  Come prepared.

Friday is early dismissal at 11:35.  Teachers will be using the afternoon to write report cards.

Monday, 26 February 2018

8ELA-We continued working on our I am David projects. This was followed by a Reading Class.  Tomorrow we'll be doing fine tuning, peer conferencing, and practicing our presentations.  HOMEWORK:  PROJECT WORK (DUE THURSDAY), READING JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS-We learned about Athens today and noted the difference between it and Sparta; we focussed on the idea of slavery in a "free-thinking" society.  HOMEWORK:  ATHENS Q 1-4 PLUS THE PINK QUESTION #5.

7SS-We did an activity today which focussed on a Peaceful and Equal Future and spent some time on a Reflection.  I also introduced the project; in it, students must choose a Development Goal to work on and create an event/campaign to support it.  HOMEWORK:  FOR WEDNESDAY'S CLASS, STUDENTS SHOULD HAVE THE GOAL CHOSEN AND THE CIRCLE GRAPH FOR IT COMPLETED.

Mount Olympus Challengers:  Be sure your Wednesday Warrior is ready to compete, physically. 
If he or she doesn't "look" ready, he or she WON'T be competing.  
We'll be having our own mini-Olympics!

Friday, 23 February 2018

8ELA-8M worked on wordles for our upcoming Anti-Bullying Presentation.  Then they, and later the 8B class had time to work on their I am David projects.  Some people are writing an epilogue, some are doing projects on refugees, and some are doing a Powerpoint answering the question:  What is a Hero?.  HOMEWORK:  NOVEL STUDY PROJECTS-DUE THURSDAY.

8SS-We had our Mount Olympus Challenge today and it was fun...and very creative.  My blog gives information about what's happening in class and sometimes, very valuable information--check it out often!  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We worked on questions today relating to our activity yesterday on the UNs SDG focussing on Good Business.  HOMEWORK:  GOOD BUSINESS QUESTIONS 1-4. 

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

8ELA-We corrected the I am David movie reflection.  I distributed the novel study projects and reviewed the rubrics with students.  I met with groups for strategies on how to begin and be successful on the projects.  HOMEWORK:  NO JOURNALS, SPELLING OR SKILLS THIS WEEK.  DO RESEARCH FOR PROJECTS.

8SS-We were on a website belonging to the British Museum in London and used their Sparta information.  We learned how the Spartan lifestyle began then played a fun video game to see who would make a successful Spartan...and who would not.  HOMEWORK:  SPARTA PART 2-Q 6 AND 7 PLUS THE PINK QUESTION #8.

7SS-We reviewed the questions from yesterday's activity focussing on Happy and Healthy Life; I also randomly called in homework for marking.  Today we did an activity focussing on Healthy Planet--Lulia had to be the earth and she was a good sport.  HOMEWORK:  HEALTHY PLANET REFLECTION.

Reminder: For students who have missed a spelling test, tomorrow is your day for writing.  
This will be done during the Reading Class.

Mount Olympus Challenge-After reading myth 3, you must present me with a password.  
The password is:  
the third word of the first paragraph,
the first word of the third paragraph,
and the last word of the eighth paragraph.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

8ELA-We corrected I am David chapter 8 today and I returned Journals.  We also had Reading class.  HOMEWORK:  I AM DAVID MOVIE REFLECTION.  OUTSTANDING SPELLING TESTS WILL BE WRITTEN DURING THURSDAY'S READING CLASS.

8SS-We corrected our Sparta lesson.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We reviewed the UN's Sustainability Development Goals for a Happy and Healthy Life then participated in an activity which helped us appreciated how important the basic necessities are.  HOMEWORK:  HAPPY AND HEALTHY LIFE Q 1-3 DUE TOMORROW.

Friday, 9 February 2018

8ELA-We finished our novel today--there was good new AND something something sad.  We then had time to work on the chapter 8 questions though they aren't for homework; students can finish them on Tuesday.  We also did our spelling test #15.  HOMEWORK:  SKILLS TEST ON MONDAY.  BRING BACK MOVIE PERMISSION FORMS ON MONDAY.

8SS-We did the Mount Olympus Challenge today--which polis will take the lead?  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We corrected our work on the UN's Global Goals for Sustainability Development.  NO HOMEWORK.

The grade 7s will be going on a field trip on Monday to Winnipeg Harvest.  
They must be in uniform.  

Next week is very busy at Holy Cross School; it's Catholic Schools Week!   
For those not going on the field trip, it is Dress as Your Favourite Book Character on Monday.  Tuesday is Pink, Red, and White Day to celebrate St. Valentine's Day.  Our PAC will be serving a light pancake breakfast to remember Shrove Tuesday--Yay!  
Wednesday is Ash Wednesday and we'll be having mass in the gym with the bishop. 
Thursday is Pajama Day--come to school in your jammies.  
There is no school on Friday as teachers will be at an in-service.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

8ELA- We corrected I am David questions from chapter 7 and 8M also corrected their spelling and skills.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST TOMORROW.  JOURNALS DUE TOMORROW.  SKILLS TEST ON MONDAY. PLEASE RETURN MOVIE PERMISSION FORMS TOMORROW.

8SS- 8M corrected Greek Sports & Arts and is now caught up to 8B.  NO HOMEWORK.

Special congratulations goes out to the 8M Athenian and Spartan Wednesday Warriors and the 8B Athenian, Corinthian, and Spartan Wednesday Warriors.  These competitors did well for their polis and earned the maximum number of points for today's challenge.  Let's see who does well tomorrow!

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

8ELA-We corrected our spelling and skills and had time to work on our chapter 7 I am David questions.  HOMEWORK:  I AM DAVID CH 7 Q 1-7 (DUE TOMORROW), SPELLING TEST AND JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY, SKILLS TEST ON MONDAY

8SS-8B corrected the Greek Sports & Arts lesson but 8M had work time for it.  HOMEWORK:  8M ONLY-GREEK SPORTS & ARTS DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We were at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights all morning during our double.  Yesterday, questions were assigned on the UN's Global Goals.  HOMEWORK:  UN'S GLOBAL GOALS FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Q 1-6.

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

8ELA-We read chapter 7 of our novel I am David and only have one more chapter left--will David get to Denmark?  8M got started on the questions but will have period two tomorrow to finish.  8B didn't have class time so it wasn't assigned for homework for either class.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING #15 AND SKILLS (X2).  GET I AM DAVID QUIZ SIGNED.  ALL DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We learned about the Greek love of sports, especially the Olympic games, and their love of literature and the arts.  HOMEWORK:  GREEK SPORTS & ARTS Q 1-7 DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-Now that we've finished reading an introduction to the United Nations, the MDGs, and the SDGs, we started working on the related questions.  HOMEWORK:  INTRO TO THE GLOBAL GOALS Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW.  GET FIELD TRIP FORM SIGNED AND RETURNED TOMORROW.

Monday, 5 February 2018

8ELA-I returned Journals, Character Traits Charts, and chapters 5 and 6 homework.  We worked on a new spelling lesson (unit 15-The Suffix -ion) and in Skills, we took a look at good speech habits and did some review on verbs.  We also had Reading Class.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING #15, SKILLS (TWO PAGES), GET I AM DAVID QUIZZES SIGNED AND RETURNED.

7SS-I returned their worksheets on the Transforming Lives video.  We then continued our reading on the UN's Sustainable Development Goals and how they came into being.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-We corrected Greek Religion.  NO HOMEWORK.

Thursday, 25 January 2018

8ELA-We had class time to work on our novel questions which included doing half of the Relationship Web.  HOMEWORK:  I AM DAVID CHAPTER 5 QUESTIONS W/ RELATIONSHIP WEB DUE TOMORROW.  SPELLING TEST TOMORROW.  NO JOURNALS TOMORROW.

8SS-We did a small quiz on Antiquity today.  This was followed by a very brief introduction to ancient Greece (our next unit).  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We discussed the top three and bottom three countries of the world when looking at human development and we learned that Canada is ranked #10 out of 177 countries.  We thought about a definition for poverty and did an activity where we put the issues of poverty into a cause-and-effect relationship which showed us how poverty is a cycle.  NO HOMEWORK.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018


8SS-We finished our chart on world religions and we now know a little more about Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism.  It won't make us religious scholars but we're now more aware of the faiths in our world.  NO HOMEWORK.

We had a presentation today on Winnipeg Harvest.  We learned its history and purpose and how it affects change in neighbourhoods around the city.

Monday, 22 January 2018

8ELA-We did a literature test on the I am David novel (chapters 1-4).  It assessed the student's ability to identify and explain style, use new vocabulary, explain character preferences, place events in chronological order, and demonstrate an understanding of cause and effect.  We also did our new spelling unit (#14) and learned about irregular verbs and their correct tenses.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING AND SKILLS DUE WEDNESDAY.

8SS-Used for ELA class.

7SS-We started a new unit today.  We talked about what we think makes up the good life and then learned that standard of living is more complicated than we originally learned.  We also learned the meaning of human development.  At the end of the class, we can differentiate between the two concepts.  NO HOMEWORK.

Friday, 19 January 2018

8ELA-We did our unit 13 spelling test and reviewed concepts to be covered on Monday's ELA literature test.  HOMEWORK:  ULTRA TEST NEEDS TO BE SIGNED AND RETURNED, I AM DAVID TEST ON MONDAY.

8SS-We started learning about world religions today.  We broke out into five groups and each one had a different religion.  We read a section in the textbook and starting making notes in a chart format.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We finished Cluster One today with a test on climate, weather, land use/cover, population, and the concepts surrounding population movement and an unequal world.  NO HOMEWORK.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

8ELA-We corrected our spelling work and skills work.  We made our I am David chapter 4 notes.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST FRIDAY.  JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.  I AM DAVID CHARACTER TRAIT CHART (ONE THIRD ONLY) DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We corrected our maps of ancient civilizations.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We continued with presentations of our New Canadian/Refugee projects.  NO HOMEWORK.  TEST ON FRIDAY.

Monday, 15 January 2018

8ELA-We worked on spelling today with a focus on the suffix sound "ize" and the three ways it can be spelled.  We also practiced with verb tenses, especially the troublesome perfect tenses.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING UNIT 13 AND PERFECT TENSES WORKSHEETS ARE BOTH DUE WEDNESDAY, JOURNALS DUE FRIDAY.

8SS- We learned a little about "Antiquity" today and reviewed the locations of the civilizations developing during this time.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS- No class today--day 6.

Friday, 12 January 2018

8ELA/SS-We wanted to complete the ELA presentations (Booktalks) plus the SS presentations (Egyptian Art, Architecture, and Technology) so these classes were used for these purposes.  We also did a multi-unit spelling test today.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-One class was used for working on projects which are due on Tuesday.  The other one was used for discussing the test scheduled for next week as a test outline was given.  HOMEWORK:  POPULATION PROJECT DUE JANUARY 16 (TUESDAY), TEST DUE JANUARY 17 (WEDNESDAY).

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Better Late Than Never!

8SS-The grades got their Egypt unit tests back on Monday so they were sent home for signing. I'm still waiting for some to be returned, signed.  We've been working on our Egyptian Architecture, Art, and Technology presentations.  We're leaning about a lot of cool structures and interesting objects--we should be done presentations tomorrow.  NO HOMEWORK.

8ELA-We're continuing our work on the I am David novel but today and tomorrow we're doing Booktalks.  HOMEWORK:  ULTRA SPELLING TEST TOMORROW.

7SS-We're continuing our work on pull and pull factors.  The project was assigned before Christmas break.  We have tomorrow's class to finish our projects.  HOMEWORK:  POPULATION PROJECT DUE TUESDAY, JANUARY 16.  TEST ON JANUARY 16.