Tuesday, 31 October 2017

8B ELA-We read a story today and started working on the questions that went with it.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING DUE TOMORROW.

8M ELA-We started reading the same story as 8B but our class was cut short due to a special science presentation.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-I collected Pink Questions and checked Egypt maps.  8B got through the correcting but 8M did not--we'll do that tomorrow.  HOMEWORK:  EGYPT MAP QUIZ TOMORROW.


We had an irregular day today due to Halloween but it was fun.

Mass tomorrow at 1:30.

Friday, 27 October 2017

8ELA-We did our unit 6 Spelling test and I collected the non-fiction paragraphs and Reading Journals.  We read a story and worked on the related assignment.  HOMEWORK:  "OPERATION SURVIVAL" BY CICELY VEIGHY Q 1-7 DUE MONDAY.

8SS-We started our Egypt unit by considering how the natural environment affects our everyday lifestyle.  We then considered all the things we know or think we know about Egypt and thought about how the Egyptian environment affected their lifestyle.  We read a little from our textbook and learned about a study strategy we call the "Who's Who" chart and "Date Chart".  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-I collected WEDAY reflections the atlases.  We did Weekly Update and learned about the news.


Halloween is next week on Tuesday.  Costumes are welcome but there are guidelines for them; students have been advised and posters have been hung with these rules.  

A Halloween Dance Party is planned for Tuesday afternoon.  
Bring $1 to buy a treat from the canteen.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

8ELA - We did peer editing for our non-fiction paragraphs and went over Fiction notes.  We also had Reading Class.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST #6 TOMORROW.  NF PARAGRAPH DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We used this as a work class--I met with some students regarding their paragraphs due tomorrow.  Other students used it as a Reading Class while others used it to complete homework.

7SS - We talked about WEDAY then corrected the Europe and Africa maps.  HOMEWORK:  WEEKLY UPDATE DUE TOMORROW.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

8ELA-We reviewed a new writing assignment on non-fiction and had time to work on brainstorming and idea development.  We also had Reading Class.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING UNIT 6 (ASSIGNED YESTERDAY) PLUS NF PARAGRAPH PRE-WRITING AND ROUGH DRAFT DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-We had class time to work on a set of questions on the earliest civilizations.  HOMEWORK: EARLY CIVS-OVERVIEW Q 1-6 DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We corrected our North America and South America maps and did some oral quizzing.  We also started our maps on Europe and Africa.  HOMEWORK:  EUROPE AND AFRICA MAPS DUE THURSDAY (OUR NEXT CLASS).


Halloween is next Tuesday and the 7s and is are having a dance.  Costumes are welcome.  
A memo is going home today with more information.

WeDay is tomorrow.  Have a great day participants!

Thursday, 19 October 2017

8ELA-We did unit 5 spelling test and I collected Reading Journals.  We read another non-fiction article and worked on the related questions.  HOMEWORK:  "TELL THE WORLD" Q 1-6 DUE MONDAY.

8SS-We finished correcting Important Places and reviewed the Sort and Predict Chart.  We then worked on an "arts and crafts" activity where we reviewed events of the four early civilizations we've been introduced to and put them in chronological order.  HOMEWORK:  EARLY CIVILIZATION EVENTS CHART.  GET TESTS SIGNED.

7SS-We had Weekly Update presenters today.  We also reviewed the oceans of the world via the Ocean Dance and checked our maps from yesterday for mandatory information:  the oceans, the continents, equator, prime meridian, Canada, USA, Mexico, plus one other country.  NO HOMEWORK.  GET TESTS SIGNED.



Wednesday, 18 October 2017

8ELA-We correct our spelling unit and the non-fiction article from yesterday.  We then had Library and Reading Class.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING TEST UNIT 5 TOMORROW.  READING JOURNALS DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-I returned our unit one tests and reviewed them with students.  We then corrected our mapping assignment from yesterday.  HOMEWORK:  GET TEST SIGNED.

7SS-I returned our unit one tests and reviewed them with students.  We then did a quick map "quiz" to see what we know about the geography of the world then learned a strategy for remembering the oceans of the world.  We call this strategy The Ocean Dance.  HOMEWORK:  WEEKLY UPDATE PRESENTERS DUE TOMORROW.  PRACTICE THE OCEAN DANCE.


Pajama Day tomorrow if you bring $1.  All money raised goes towards Siloam Mission.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

8ELA-We read a non-fiction article about travelling in Cambodia and Vietnam today and had work time for questions.  HOMEWORK:  "THE MIGHTY MEKONG" Q 1-7, SPELLING UNIT 5, 8M SIGNED SPELLING TESTS.  JOURNALS DUE THURSDAY.  SPELLING TEST THURSDAY.

8SS-We started a new mini-unit today on the earliest civilizations.  We focussed on global locations and geography in each.  HOMEWORK:  IMPORTANT PLACES WORKSHEET AND MAP PLUS THE SORT AND PREDICT WORKSHEET.

7SS- No class today.


Pajama Day on Thursday.  Bring $1 with all money going towards Student Council initiatives.

Monday, 16 October 2017

8ELA-We did our unit 5 Spelling pre-check and learned many new words!  This was followed by Library and Reading Class.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING UNIT 5, 8M:  SIGNED SPELLING TESTS, JOURNALS DUE ON THURSDAY.

8SS-I collected homework from a random sampling of students; it focussed on the Compare and Contrast Chart for H/G and Farmers.  We did our unit test.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We did our unit test in the first period.  I distributed Weekly updates for this week then we worked on a map projection worksheet.  HOMEWORK:  MAP PROJECTION WORKSHEET DUE WEDNESDAY.

This Thursday is Pajama Day.  If you bring in $1, you can wear pajamas--not shorts and a t-shirt--PAJAMAS!  Money raised is going to Student Council initiatives.

No school on Friday.

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

8SS-Today we watched the final video in the Human Prehistory 101 series (found above).  It illustrates some of the changes from the paleolithic to neolithic time periods.  We also worked on a set of questions.  HOMEWORK:  NEOLITHIC TIMES AND PERMANENT SETTLEMENTS Q 1-8.  EARLY PEOPLES TEST MONDAY, OCT. 16.

8ELA- We corrected our spelling review unit, read a non-fiction article, then had work time for a set of questions.  HOMEWORK:  "SURVIVAL SHELTERS" Q 1-6.

7SS-We learned about map projections today and worked on a comparative worksheet.  NO HOMEWORK.

Pajama Day next week on Thursday--bring $1 and you can wear pajamas.  
You can also bring in your order form to participate in that evening's movie night.

Pictures went home today.  Everything is on-line so please take the time to 
review the proof for necessary information.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I hope everyone had an extra nice extra long weekend and spend a little time thinking about all the good things in life.

8ELA-No pre-check today as we are working on a review unit.  We had reading class.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING REVIEW UNIT DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We corrected our Canadian Time Zones Worksheet.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-We read about Neolithic times and early permanent settlements.  NO HOMEWORK.

Information went home today about a popcorn fundraiser.

School Pajama and Movie Night information went out last week.  Buy your tickets early!

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

8ELA-We corrected Spelling unit 4 and "Solo to the Pole".  During our article correcting, we really focussed on how to write formally when referring to literature.  NO HOMEWORK.

8SS-We read about the life of early people with a focus on the "wants"; music, dance, and art were discussed.  HOMEWORK:  EARLY HUMAN DEV (WANTS) Q 1-5 DUE TOMORROW.

7SS-We made notes on the concepts relating to time and longitude.  NO HOMEWORK.

Immunization Day was today--some kids might have sore arms.

Tomorrow is a Thanksgiving Mass with a pep rally in the afternoon.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Human Prehistory 101 (Part 2 of 3): Weathering The Storm

8ELA-We used this as a work class for our non-fiction reading assignment.  We also used some of the time to watch two short videos relating to social studies.  We then had a Reading Class.  HOMEWORK:  SPELLING DUE TOMORROW. "SOLO TO THE POLE" BY CHRIS BONINGTON Q 1-7 DUE TOMORROW.

8SS-No classes due to early dismissal.

7SS-We corrected our worksheet on latitude & longitude and time.  I assigned a new worksheet on the same topic for extra practice.  HOMEWORK:  LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE - TIME Q 1-15

Human Prehistory 101 (Part 1 of 3): Out of (Eastern) Africa

Monday, 2 October 2017

8ELA-I returned spelling tests and Journals from last week.  We did unit 4 of Spelling and read a non-fiction piece called "Solo to the Pole" by Chris Bonington.  NO HOMEWORK OTHER THAN SPELLING.

8SS-We corrected questions from last week on early humans and discussed expectations for good non-fiction writing (in answer format).  We copied questions for our next topic.  NO HOMEWORK.

7SS-We heard from the Weekly Update students who weren't able to present on Friday.  I distributed the articles to this week's Update students.  NO HOMEWORK.


Tomorrow is Picture Day.  Everyone is expected to be in uniform.
Tomorrow is Early Dismissal at 2:00 due to a staff meeting.

Wednesday is Immunization Day.

Thursday is Mass with an afternoon pep rally.

Friday - No School