We celebrate together in the MPR first thing this morning and we're eagerly awaiting Christmas!
8ELA-We reviewed our Ginormous Spelling Test and Pronoun Test. These went home for signing. 8M peer conferenced on their Soldier Letters. 8B had work time to start integrating research into their letters. Lots of us had to visit the library since this is a short week and don't want to be caught without a book for the extra long weekend. HOMEWORK: 8M FINAL DRAFT-SOLDIER LETTERS DUE TOMORROW. 8B FIRST VERSION OF FINAL DRAFT-SOLDIER LETTERS DUE TOMORROW. GET TESTS SIGNED.
8SS-Due to the Advent Service, I used this time for ELA. NO HOMEWORK.
7SS-We did a quick oral quiz on world geography then quickly moved into our climate lesson. We started correcting and will finish tomorrow. NO HOMEWORK.
Please remember that parent-Teacher Conferences begin Wednesday afternoon and continue on Thursday morning. Therefore, there will be no school on Thursday and Friday.